Pliny, the Elder



プリニウス セクンドゥス, ガイウス

Plinius Secundus, Gaius

Pline l'Ancien

Plinius Maior

Pliniĭ Starshiĭ, Gaĭ Sekund

Gaĭ Pliniĭ Sekund Starshiĭ


Gaius Plinius Secundus

Plinius Secundus, C.

Secundus, Gaius Plinius

Cayo Plinio Segundo

Plinio Segundo, Cayo

Segundo, Cayo Plinio

Plinio, el Viejo

Plinio, il Vecchio

Plinius Secundus, C. (Cais)

Secundus, C. Plinius (Cais Plinius)

Secundus, Cais Plinius

Plinio Secondo, Gaio



検索結果176件中 121-140 を表示

  • Il Dubius sermo di Plinio

    [a cura di] Adriana Della Casa

    Istituto di filologia classica e medioevale 1969 Pubblicazioni dell'Istituto di filologia classica 28


  • The Elder Pliny's chapters on the history of art

    Translated by K. Jex-Blake. With commentary and historical introd. by E. Sellers, and additional notes contributed by Heinrich Ludwig Urlichs

    Argonaut 1968 [1st American ed.] Argonaut library of antiquities


  • C. Plini Secundi naturalis historiae libri XXXVII

    post Ludovici Iani obitum recognovit et scripturae discrepantia adiecta edidit Carolus Mayhoff

    B.G. Teubner 1967-1986 Editio stereotypa editionis 1 Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana 1651-1655

    v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6


  • Historia natural de Cayo Plinio Segundo

    trasladada y anotada por Francisco Hernández

    Universidad Nacional de México 1966- Obras completas t. 4

    v. 1


  • Pliny's Natural history : a selection from Philemon Holland's translation

    edited by J. Newsome

    Clarendon 1964


  • Selections from The history of the world, commonly called The natural history of C. Plinius Secundus

    translated into English by Philemon Holland, and now selected and introduced by Paul Turner

    Southern Illinois University Press c1962 Centaur classics


  • Pliny's Natural history : an account by a Roman of what Romans knew and did and valued

    compacted from the many volumes of the Historia naturalis by Loyd Haberly

    Ungar c1957


  • Natural history

    Pliny ; with an English translation by H. Rackham, W. H. S. Jones

    Harvard University Press , William Heinemann 1950-1956 , 1950-1956 The Loeb classical library 371,393-394

    5 us , 5 uk , 7 us , 7 uk , 9 us , 9 uk


  • Pliny Natural history

    with an English tr. by H. Rackham, W. H. S. Jones, D. E. Eichholz

    Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1949- rev. and reprinted The Loeb classical library 330, 371

    v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6 , v. 7 , v. 8 , v. 9 , v. 10


  • Natural history

    Pliny ; with an English translation by H. Rackham

    Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1949-1969 Rev. and repr. [ed.] The Loeb classical library 330, 352-353, 370-371, 392-394, 418-419

    1 : us , 1 : uk , 2 : us , 2 : uk , 3 : us , 3 : uk , 4 : us , 4 : uk , 5 : us , 5 : uk , 6 : us , 6 : uk , 7 : us , 7 : uk , 8 : us , 8 : uk , 9 : us , 9 : uk , 10 : us , 10 : uk


  • Histoire naturelle

    Pline l'Ancien ; texte établi, traduit et commenté par Jean Beaujeu ; introduction de Alfred Ernout

    Les Belles Lettres 1947- Collection des universités de France sér. latine ; 347, 390, 409

    livre 1 , livre 2 , livre 3 , livre 4 , livre 5, ptie 1 : cartonné , livre 5, ptie 1 : relié , livre 5, ptie 2 , livre 6, ptie 2 : cartonné , livre 6, ptie 2 : relié , livre 6, ptie 4 , livre 7 , livre 8 , livre 9 , livre 10 , livre 11 , livre 12 , livre 13 , livre 14 , livre 15 , livre 16 , livre 17 , livre 18 , livre 19 , livre 20 , livre 21 , livre 22 , livre 23 , livre 24 , livre 25 , livre 26 , livre 27 , livre 28 , livre 29 , livre 30 , livre 31 , livre 32 , livre 33 , livre 34 : hard , livre 34 : pbk , livre 35 , livre 36 : cartonne , livre 36 : relié , livre 37


  • Natural history in ten volumes

    Pliny ; with an English translation by H. Rackham

    Harvard University Press 1942-1962 The Loeb classical library ; 352, 371, 394, 418, 419

    2 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 10


  • Natural history

    Pliny ; with an English tr. by H. Rackham

    Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1938-1962 The Loeb classical library vol. 330, 352-353, 370-371, 392-393, 418, 394, 419

    v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6 , v. 7 , v. 8 , v. 9 , v. 10


  • Natural history

    Pliny ; with an English translation by H. Rackham

    W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press 1938-1963 The Loeb classical library 330, 352-353, 370-371, 392-394, 418-419

    1 : American , 1 : British , 2 : American , 2 : British , 3 : American , 3 : British , 4 : American , 4 : British , 5 : American , 5 : British , 6 : American , 6 : British , 7 : American , 7 : British , 8 : American , 8 : British , 9 : American , 9 : British , 10 : American , 10 : British


  • The Elder Pliny's chapters on chemical subjects

    edited, with translation and notes by Kenneth C. Bailey

    E. Arnold 1929-

    pt. 1


  • The Elizabethan zoo : a book of beasts both fabulous and authentic

    Frederick Etchells & Hugh Macdonald 1926 The Haslewood books


  • C. Plini Secundi Naturalis historiae libri XXXVII

    recensuit et commentariis criticis indicibusque, instruxit Iulius Sillig

    Sumptibus Friderici et Andreae Perthes 1851-1858

    v. 1 , v. 2 , v. 3 , v. 4 , v. 5 , v. 6 , v. 7 , v. 8


  • C. Plini Secvndi Natvralis historiae libri XXXVII

    post Lvdovici Iani obitvm recognovit et scriptvrae discrepantia adiecta edidit Carolvs Mayhoff

    In aedibvs B.G. Tevbneri 1906-1909 [Ed. 3.] Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana

    v. 1 : Libri I-VI , v. 2 : Libri VII-XV


  • Die geographischen Bücher (II, 242-VI Schluss) der Naturalis historia des C. Plinius Secundus, mit vollständigem kritischen Apparat

    herausgegeben von D. Detlefsen

    Weidmann 1904 Quellen und Forschungen zur alten Geschichte und Geographie / herausgegeben von W. Sieglin Heft 9


  • Слово похвальное императору Траяну

    говоренное Римскимъ консуломъ Каіемъ Плиніемъ Цециліемъ Вторымъ ; переводъ Андрея Нартова, статскаго совѣтника, Берг коллегіи, Монетнаго департамента, Санктпетербургскаго экономическаго общества, Лейбцигскаго ученаго Собранія свободныхъ наукъ, и Московскаго Россійскаго собранія при Университетѣ члена

    General Microfilm Company [19--] Eighteenth-century Russian publications roll 663

    マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))

