Leeuw, Gerardus van der
レーウ, G. ファン デル(レーウ, G. ファン デル)
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Gerardus van der Leeuw ; preface by Mircea Eliade ; translated by David E. Green ; with a new introduction and bibliography by Diane Apostolos-Cappadona
Oxford University Press 2006 Texts and translations series
Available at 2 libraries
G. van der Leeuw ; translated by J.E. Turner with appendices incorporating the additions to the second German edition by Hans H. Penner ; with a new foreword by Ninian Smart
Princeton University Press c1986
: pbk.
Available at 13 libraries
G.ファン・デル・レーウ著 ; 小倉重夫訳
せりか書房 1980.5
Available at 129 libraries
G.ファン・デル・レーウ [著] ; 田丸徳善, 大竹みよ子訳
東京大学出版会 1979.10
Available at 144 libraries
Gerard van der Leeuw
J.C.B. Mohr 1977 4. Aufl Neue theologische Grundrisse
Available at 8 libraries
G. van der Leeuw ; tr. par Jacques Marty
Payot 1970 Bibliothèque scientifique
von Gerard van der Leeuw
J.C.B. Mohr 1970, c1956 3. Aufl, unveränderer Nachdruck der 2., durchgesehen und erw. Aufl Neue theologische Grundrisse
Available at 15 libraries
G. van der Leeuw ; translated by J.E. Turner with appendices incorporating the additions to the second German edition by Hans H. Penner
Peter Smith 1967
v. 1 , v. 2
Available at 7 libraries
by G. Van Der Leeuw ; translated by J.E. Turner
George Allen & Unwin 1964 [2nd ed.]
Available at 4 libraries
G. van der Leeuw ; translated by J.E. Turner with appendices to the paperback edition incorporating the additions of the second German edition by Hans H. Penner
Harper & Row 1963 Harper & Row HR 100
v. 1
Available at 1 libraries
Geratdus van der Leeuw ; Preface by Mircea Eliade ; translated by David E. Green
Abingdon 1963 [1st ed.]
Available at 3 libraries
by Gerardus van der Leeuw ; preface by Mircea Eliade ; translated by David E. Green
Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1963
Available at 6 libraries
Holt, Rinehart and Winston c1963 1st ed
Available at 14 libraries
G. van der Leeuw ; translated by J.E. Turner with appendices to the Torchbook edition incorporating the additions of the second German edition by Hans H. Penner
Harper & Row 1963 1st Harper torchbook ed Harper torchbooks TB 100-101 . the Cloister Library
Available at 24 libraries
Gerardus van der Leeuw
Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn c1961 2., durchgesehene und erw. Aufl
Available at 12 libraries
Gerardus van der Leeuw ; traduzione di Virginia Vacca
P. Boringhieri 1960 [2a ed.] Biblioteca di studi etnologici e religiosi 34
Johannes Stauda Verlag 1959
Kaiser 1956 Theologische Existenz heute . N.F. ; Nr. 52
von G. van der Leeuw
J.C.B. Mohr 1956 2., durchges. und erw. Aufl Neue theologische Grundrisse
Available at 28 libraries
by K. Herman Bouman ; introduction by G. van der Leeuw
E.J. Brill 1949