Penrose, Roland, Sir
ローランド, ペンローズ
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Roland Penrose
Thames & Hudson 1981 3rd rev. ed
Available at 2 libraries
Rizzoli 1981
Available at 6 libraries
University of California Press 1981 3rd ed
Available at 1 libraries
advisory editors, Sir Roland Penrose, John Golding ; [essays by] Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler ... [et al.].
Harper and Row 1980, c1973 Icon ed.
Available at 3 libraries
ローランド・ペンローズ[著] ; 高階秀爾, 八重樫春樹訳
新潮社 1978.6
Available at 80 libraries
Rizzoli 1978
Available at 5 libraries
New York Graphic Society c1975
: cloth , : pbk
organized by the New York Cultural Center in association with Fairleigh Dickinson University ; selection by Sir Roland Penrose and Mario Amaya
New York Cultural Center c1974
advisory editors: Sir Roland Penrose, John Golding ; [authors]: Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler ... [et al.]
Praeger [1973]
Museum of Modern Art; distributed by New York Graphic Society, Greenwich, Conn c1971 [2d rev. and enl. ed.]
Harper & Row 1971 Rev. ed [1st U.S. ed] Icon editions
[by] Roland Penrose
Phaidon [1971]
Available at 4 libraries
[texto, Sir Roland Penrose ; fotos, Joaquim Gomis]
Ediciones Polígrafa [197-]
Roland Penrose ; prefazione di Giulio Carlo Argon ; aggiornamento 1958-1968 di Francesca R. Fratini
G. Einaudi c1969 Piccola biblioteca Einaudi 122
[statements by Pablo Picasso ; preface by Alfred H. Barr, Jr. ; commentaries by Roland Penrose]
Editions Beyeler c1968
[by] Roland penrose ; chronology by Alicia Legg
Museum of Modern Art c1967
Available at 14 libraries
fotografiada por / Edward Quinn ; introducción de José Vergara ; leyendas de Roland Penrose ; [traducción al español de José Vergara]
Alianza 1966
von Edward Quinn ; Einleitung und Text von Roland Penrose ; [deutsche Übertragung von Gert Schiff]
Manesse c1965
Edward Quinn ; introduction and text by Roland Penrose
W.H.Allen, 1965
Introduction by Roland Penrose
A. Tiranti 1964