Lakir, Zeʹev
Lakvir, Zeʹev
Lakoir, Zeʹev
Laqueur, Walter Zeʹev
Laqueur, Walter Z.
Laquer, Walter
ラッカー, ウォルター Z. (ラッカー, ウォルター Z.)
ラカー, ウォルター (ラカー, ウォルター)
ラカー, ワルター (ラカー, ワルター)
Walter Laqueur and Christopher Wall
Thomas Dunne Books c2018
: hbk
Walter Laqueur
Transaction Publishers c2017
Walter Laqueur ; with a preface and conclusion by the author
Transaction Publishers c2016
: pbk
Walter Laqueur ; with a new preface by the author ; a foreword and afterword by Bruce Hoffman
Transaction Publishers 2016 Expanded ed
: [pbk]
Walter Laqueur ; with a new preface by the author
Walter Laqueur and Dan Schueftan, editors
Penguin 2016 8th rev. and updated ed Penguin books . History
: [pbk.]
Thomas Dunne Books 2015
Walter Laqueur ; with new introduction by the author
Transaction Publishers 2012
Thomas Dunne Books 2012
Transaction Publishers c2012
Walter Laqueur ; traduit de l'anglais par Antoinette Roubichou-Stretz
Gallimard c2010 Nouv. éd Collection Témoins
Brandeis University Press , University Press of New England c2009 The Tauber Institute for the study of European Jewry series
: cloth
Walter Laqueur and Barry Rubin, editors
Penguin Books 2008 7th rev. and updated ed
Oxford University Press 2008, c2006
Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press 2009
Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press c2007
Oxford University Press 2006
I.B. Tauris 2004
Continuum 2004, c2003
a cura di Walter Laqueur ; edizione italiana a cura di Alberto Cavaglion ; [traduzioni, Anna Bassan Levi ... et al.]
G. Einaudi c2004