Southey, Robert


Alias Name

サウジー, ロバート(サウジー, ロバート)

サウジー, R.(サウジー, R)

Sauti, Robert

Саути, Роберт

Search authors sharing the same name

Search Results21-40 of 215

  • Five romantic plays

    edited by Paul Baines, Edward Burns ; general editor MichaelCordner ; associate general editors Peter Holland, Martin Wiggins

    Oxford University Press 2000 Oxford world's classics . Oxrord English deama

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Poems, 1795

    Robert Lovell, Robert Southey

    Woodstock Books 2000 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 27 libraries

  • Poems, 1799

    Robert Southey

    Woodstock Books 1997 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 35 libraries

  • The annual anthology, 1799, 1800

    Robert Southey, editor

    Woodstock Books 1997 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 37 libraries

  • Joan of Arc, 1796

    Robert Southey and Samuel Taylor Coleridge

    Woodstock Books 1993 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 45 libraries

  • ネルソン提督伝 : ナポレオン戦争とロマンス

    ロバート・サウジー著 ; 山本史郎訳

    原書房 1992.5 大航海者の世界 / 増田義郎企画・監修 7

    Available at 163 libraries

  • Thalaba the destroyer, 1801

    Robert Southey

    Woodstock Books 1991 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 44 libraries

  • The fall of Robespierre, 1794

    Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey

    Woodstock Books 1991 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 42 libraries

  • Select works of the British poets : from Chaucer to Jonson : with biographical sketches

    by Robert Southey

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The poetical works of Robert Southtey, Esq. : poet laureate, and member of the Royal Spanish Academy

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • A vision of judgement

    by Robert Southey

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • All for love ; and, The pilgrim to Compostella

    by Robert Southey

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The remains of Henry Kirke White of Nottingham : late of St. John's Collage, Cambrige, with an account of his life

    by Robert Southey

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Palmerin of England

    Moraes, Francisco de

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1989 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Wat Tyler, 1817

    Robert Southey

    Woodstock 1989 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 47 libraries

  • Poems, 1797

    Robert Southey

    Woodstock 1989 Revolution and romanticism, 1789-1834 : a series of facsimile reprints / chosen and introduced by Jonathan Wordsworth

    Available at 48 libraries

  • The doctor

    (Southey, Robert)

    Belser Wiss. Dienst c1988 [Repro. to order] Edition Corvey . English language titles

    Microform (Microfiche)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 夜の勝利 : 英国ゴシック詞華撰

    S.T.コールリッジ他著 ; 高山宏編訳

    国書刊行会 1984 ゴシック叢書 / 小池滋, 志村正雄, 富山太佳夫編 30-31

    1 , 2

    Available at 136 libraries

  • Letters from England

    Robert Southey ; edited with an introduction by Jack Simmons

    Alan Sutton 1984 Sovereign

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The contributions of Robert Southey to the Morning post

    [edited by] Kenneth Curry

    University of Alabama Press c1984

    Available at 4 libraries

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