ヘール, フリードリッヒ(ヘール, フリードリッヒ)
ヘール, フリードリヒ(ヘール, フリードリヒ)
ヘーア, フリードリッヒ
Search authors sharing the same name
Friedrich Heer
Bechtle c1967
Available at 1 libraries
Scherz c1967
Available at 7 libraries
Friedrich Heer ; translation by Jonathan Steinberg
The World Publishing Company c1966
Available at 3 libraries
Weidenfeld and Nicolson c1966
Available at 19 libraries
von Friedrich Heer
W. Kohlhammer Verlag 1965 2. Aufl
Available at 26 libraries
Herbert Steiner ; mit einem Vorwort von Friedrich Heer
Europa Verlag c1964 Österreichprofile
W. Kohlhammer [1964]
W. Kohlhammer c1964 2. Aufl
Available at 10 libraries
Daim, Heer, Knoll
Europa Verlag c1963 Europäische Perspektiven
Available at 2 libraries
Friedrich Heer ; translated from the German by Janet Sondheimer
Weidenfeld and Nicolson c1962 History of civilization
Scherz [c1962]
New American Library 1962 A Mentor book
Friedrich Heer : translated from the German by Janet Sondheimer
World Pub. Co c1962 1st ed.
Available at 6 libraries
Osterreichischer Bundesverlag [1962]
P. List 1961 List Bücher 213
Kindler c1961 Kindlers Kulturgeschichte
Available at 14 libraries
Fritz Wotruba ; English tr. by Haakon Chevalier, except for the introduction of Friedrich Heer
Griffon c1961 The sculpture of the 20th century
Available at 17 libraries
Friedrich Heer ; translated from the German by Fanet Sondheimer
Weidenfeld and Nicolson 1961
Available at 4 libraries
Einleitung Carl J. Burckhardt ; Nachwort Friedrich Heer
A. Scherz c1960 Panoramen der Geschichte 1. Bd.
Herder 1959 Herderbücherei Bd. 57