Kendall, Maurice G. (Maurice George)


Alias Name

Kendall, M. G. (Maurice George)

Kendall, Maurice George, Sir

Kendall, Maurice, Sir

ケンドール, M. G. (ケンドール, M G)

Кендэл, М

Кендэл, Морис Дж.

Search authors sharing the same name

Search Results21-40 of 98

  • 2 / 5
  • Bibliography of statistical literature

    Maurice G. Kendall and Alison G. Doig

    Arno Press 1981 The development of science : sources for the history of science

    [Vol. 1] , [Vol. 2] , [Vol. 3]

    Available at 6 libraries

  • Multivariate analysis

    [by] Sir Maurice Kendall

    Charles Griffin 1980 2nd ed

    Available at 54 libraries

  • Inference and relationship

    Sir Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart

    C. Griffin c1979 4th ed The advanced theory of statistics / Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart v. 2

    Available at 129 libraries

  • Studies in the history of statistics and probability

    a series of papers selected and edited by Maurice Kendall [and] R. L. Plackett

    Macmillan Publishing c1977

    v. 2

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Distribution theory

    Sir Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart

    C. Griffin 1977 4th ed The advanced theory of statistics / Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart v. 1

    Available at 153 libraries

  • Some notes on statistical problems likely to arise in the analysis of WFS surveys

    prepared by Maurice Kendall

    International Statistical Institute 1976 Technical bulletins / World Fertility Survey no. 1/tech. 441

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Многомерный статистический анализ и временный ряды

    М. Кендалл, А. Стьюарт ; перевод с английского Э.Л. Пресмана, В.И. Ротаря ; под редакцией А.Н. Колмогорова, Ю.В. Прохорова

    Изд-во "Наука", Главная редакция физико-математической литературы 1976

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Time-series

    Sir Maurice Kendall

    Griffin 1976 2nd ed

    Available at 56 libraries

  • Design and analysis, and time-series

    Sir Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart

    C. Griffin 1976 3rd ed. The advanced theory of statistics / Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart v. 3

    Available at 127 libraries

  • Rank correlation methods

    Maurice Kendall

    Griffin 1975 4th ed., 2nd impression

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Słownik terminów statystycznych

    Maurice G. Kendall, William R. Buckland ; przekład Marian Kanton

    Published for the Państwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne 1975 Wyd. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Ранговые корреляции

    М. Кендэл

    "Статистика" 1975 Зарубежные статистические исследования

    Available at 2 libraries

  • A dictionary of statistical terms

    Sir Maurice G. Kendall, William R. Buckland

    Longman for the International Statistical Institute 1975 3rd ed. revised and enlarged

    Available at 22 libraries

  • Multivariate analysis

    [by] Maurice Kendall

    Griffin 1975

    Available at 59 libraries

  • Econometric forecasting from lagged relationships

    M. G. Kendall

    Economic and Social Research Institute 1973 Geary lecture 6th, 1973

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Статистические выводы и связи

    М. Кендалл, А. Стьюарт ; перевод с английского Л.И. Гальчука, А.Т. Терехина ; под редакцией А.Н. Колмогорова

    Изд-во "Наука," Глав. ред. физико-математической лит-ры 1973

    Available at 6 libraries

  • Inference and relationship

    Maurice G. Kendall and Alan Stuart

    Griffin 1973 3rd ed The advanced theory of statistics / Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart v. 2

    Available at 122 libraries

  • Time-series

    M.G. Kendall

    Griffin 1973

    Available at 35 libraries

  • 多変量解析の基礎

    M.G.ケンドール著 ; 浦昭二, 竹並輝之共訳

    サイエンス社 1972.10 サイエンスライブラリ統計学 4

    Available at 314 libraries

  • Геометрические вероятности

    М. Кендалл, П. Моран ; перевод с английского Р.В. Амбарцумяна : под. ред. Ю.В. Прохорова

    "Наука", гдавная ред. физико-математической лит-ры 1972

    Available at 2 libraries

  • 2 / 5
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