Spencer, Herbert


Alias Name

Spenser, Gerbert

スペンサー, ハーバート (スペンサー, ハーバート)

スペンサー, ハアバート(スペンサー, ハアバート)

斯邊鎖, 波馬爾土(スペンサー, ハーバート)


斯宾塞, 赫伯特(スペンサー, ハーバート)



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Search Results121-140 of 569

  • スペンサー


    三省堂 1935.10 社會科學の建設者人と學説叢書

    Available at 44 libraries

  • The heritage of Solomon : an historical introduction to the sociology of ancient Palestine

    by John Garstang

    Published for Herbert Spencer's trustees by Williams and Norgate [1934] Herbert Spencer's Descriptive sociology, continued by his trustees v. 3

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 羣學肄言

    斯賓塞原著 ; 嚴復譯述

    商務印書館 1933.4 國難後第1版 厳訳名著叢刊

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 羣學肄言

    斯賓塞原著 ; 嚴復譯述

    商務印書館 [發行] 1931 厳訳名著叢刊 6

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 羣學肄言

    斯賓塞原著 ; 嚴復譯述

    私製) 厳訳名著叢刊

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Classification des sciences

    par Herbert Spencer ; traduit de l'anglais sur la troisième èdition

    F. Alcan 1930 11e éd Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporaine

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Philosophy of style : an essay : with explanatory notes

    by Herbert Spencer ; with notes by the American editor

    Kyogoku Shoten , 柳原書店 (発売) , 林六合館 (発売) 1930

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Mesopotamia : the ancient inhabitants of the Tigris-Euphrates lands

    compiled and abstracted upon the plan organized by Herbert Spencer, by Reuben Levy

    Williams and Norgate 1929 Descriptive sociology, or, Groups of sociological facts / classified and arranged by Herbert Spencer ; compiled and abstracted by David Duncan, Richard Scheppig and James Collier no. 13

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Education : intellectual, moral and physical

    by Herbert Spencer

    Watts 1929 The thinker's library no. 2

    Available at 32 libraries

  • First principles

    by Herbert Spencer

    Williams & Norgate 1928 6th & final ed. A system of synthetic philosophy v. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Hellenistic Greeks

    compiled and abstracted upon the plan organized by Herbert Spencer by Sir J.P. Mahaffy, and W.A. Goligher ; completed by W.A. Goligher

    Williams and Norgate 1928 Descriptive sociology, or, Groups of sociological facts / classified and arranged by Herbert Spencer ; compiled and abstracted by David Duncan, Richard Scheppig and James Collier no. 12

    Available at 3 libraries

  • スペンサー政治論


    寶文館 1927

    Available at 4 libraries

  • 第一原理

    ハアバート・スペンサー著 ; 澤田謙譯

    春秋社 1927.3 世界大思想全集 28

    Available at 173 libraries

  • An autobiography

    by Herbert Spencer

    Watts 1926

    v. 1 , v. 2

    Available at 7 libraries

  • スペンサー政治論


    白鳳社出版 1925.6

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Types of lowest races, Negritto races and Malayo-Polynesian races

    compiled and abstracted upon the plan orgnaized Herbert Spencer by David Duncan ; edited by Henry R. Tedder

    Williams and Norgate 1925 Descriptive sociology, or, Groups of sociological facts / classified and arranged by Herbert Spencer ; compiled and abstracted by David Duncan, Richard Scheppig and James Collier no. 3

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Introduction à la science sociale : traduction nouvelle

    Herbert Spencer ; avec notice biographie et étude philosophique par Paul Lemaire

    Hatier 1925 Les Classiques pour tous no 323

    Available at 2 libraries

  • The study of sociology

    by Herbert Spencer

    D. Appleton 1889

    Available at 2 libraries

  • The study of sociology

    by Herbert Spencer

    D. Appleton 1924

    Available at 14 libraries

  • 第一原理

    ハーバート・スペンサー著 ; 澤田謙譯

    而立社 1923.4- 社會科學大系 5

    上 , 下

    Available at 55 libraries

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