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Search Results221-240 of 649

  • Les guêpes ; La paix

    Aristophane ; texte établi par Victor Coulon et traduit par Hilaire van Daele

    Les Belles lettres 1969, c1924 6e tirage rev. et corr Collection des universités de France . Aristophane ; t. 2

    Available at 23 libraries

  • Scholia vetera in Aristophanis Equites . et, Scholia Tricliniana in Aristophanis Equites

    edidit D. Mervyn Jones . edidit Nigel G. Wilson

    Walters-Noordhoff , Swets & Zeitlinger 1969 Scripta Academica Groningana . Scholia in Aristophanem / edidit edendave curavit W.J.W. Koster ; pars 1 . Prolegomena de comoedia : Scholia in Acharnenses, Equites, Nubes ; fasc. 2

    Available at 5 libraries

  • Lysistrate : Komödie

    Aristophanes ; Übersetzung von Ludwig Seeger ; Anmerkungen und Nachwort von Otto Seel

    Reclam c1969 Universal-Bibliothek Nr. 6890

    Available at 22 libraries

  • Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem : cum prolegomenis grammaticorum

    varietate lectionis optimorum codicum integra, ceterorum selecta, annotatione criticorum item selecta, cui sua quaedam inseruit Fr. Dübner

    Georg Olms 1969

    Available at 7 libraries

  • Nubes

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A.W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 3 libraries

  • The peace ; The birds ; The frogs

    Aristophanes ; with the English translation of Benjamin Bickley Rogers

    Harvard University Press , W. Heinemann 1968 Repr. The Loeb classical library 179 . Aristophanes in three volumes ; 2

    : us , : uk

    Available at 12 libraries

  • Drama in the Western world : 9 plays with essays

    [compiled by] Samuel A. Weiss

    D. C. Heath c1968

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Thesmophoriazusae : cum prolegomenis et commentariis

    Aristophanis ; edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A.W. Sijthoff 1968 2. ed

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Αριστοφανους Σφηκες = The wasps of Aristophanes

    with introduction, metrical analysis, critical notes, and commentary by W.J.M. Starkie

    Adolf M. Hakkert 1968

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Vespae

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A. W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. tertia

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Ranae

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A.W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Plutus

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A.W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Lysistrata

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, editit J. van Leeuwen

    A. W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Equites

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A.W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Ecclesiazusae

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A. W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Aves

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A. W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 4 libraries

  • Acharnenses

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A. W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Pax

    Aristophanis ; cum prolegomenis et commentariis, edidit J. van Leeuwen

    A. W. Sijthoff 1968 Ed. secunda

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Antike Komödien

    Aristophanes ; [herausgegeben und mit Einleitung und einem Nachwort versehen von Hans-Joachim Newiger ; Neubearbeitung der Übersetzung von Ludwig Seeger und Anmerkungen von Hans-Joachim Newiger und Peter Rau]

    Winkler 1968

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Antike Komödien


    Winkler [1968] Winkler Dünndruck Ausgabe

    : Leinen , : Leder

    Available at 2 libraries

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