sponsored by ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia (SIGMM) ; with support from University of Texas at Dallas and Texas A&M University
Association for Computing Machinery c2007
Richmond Printing [2005]
Vol. 1
edited by John P. Fackler, Jr
Plenum Press c1990 Industry-university cooperative chemistry program symposia
prepared by John B. Herbich
Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A & M University 1984.5
compiled by J.B. Herbich
Texas A&M University 1984.11
Texas A&M University 1983.6
Earl R. Hoskins, Chairman ; Christopher C. Mathewson, editor ; sponsored by Texas A&M University ... [et al.]
Texas A&M University , Association of Engineering Geologists 1983
by John E. Flipse
Texas A&M University 1982.8
edited by Henry C. Dethloff and Irvin M. May, Jr
Published for the Agricultural History Society by the Texas A&M University Press c1982 1st ed
by T.C. Su and Z. Demirbilek
Ocean Engineering Program, Texas A & M University 1981.3
by T.C. Su
Texas A & M University 1981.3
Part 1
by Masamichi Inoue and T.C. Su
Texas A & M University 1981.7
Texas A & M University 1981.4
Pt. 1 , Pt. 2
prepared by John B. Herbich and Ron Watanabe
Ocean and Hydraulic Engineering Group, Civil Engineering Dept., Texas A&M University 1981.7
Texas A&M University 1981.9
by David A. Knoll and John B. Herbich
Texas A&M University 1981.5
Texas A & M University 1980.5
Ocean Engineering Program, Texas A & M University 1980.2
by Michael J. Trawle and John B. Herbich
Center for Dredging Studies, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Texas Engineering Experiment Station 1980.5
by Albert C. Petrasek, Jr. ... [et al.]
Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , Available to the public through the National Technical Information Service 1980 Research reporting series 2 . Environmental protection technology ; EPA-600/2-80-102