Bede, the Venerable, Saint


Alias Name


Bede, Saint

Beda Venerabilis

Baeda Venerabilis

Baedae Venerabilis

Bede le Vénérable, Bénédictin anglais

Venerable Bede

Beda, der Ehrwürdige

Bada, presbyter


Search authors sharing the same name

Search Results1-20 of 130

  • On first Samuel

    Bede ; translated with introduction and commentary by Scott DeGregorio and Rosalind Love

    Liverpool University Press 2019 Translated texts for historians v. 70

    : cased

    Available at 1 libraries

  • On first Samuel

    Bede ; translated with introduction and commentary by Scott DeGregorio and Rosalind Love

    Liverpool University Press 2019 Translated texts for historians v. 70

    : limp

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Bede's Latin poetry

    edited and translated by Michael Lapidge

    Clarendon Press 2019 Oxford medieval texts

    Available at 5 libraries

  • Bede : commentary on Revelation

    translated with an introduction and notes by Faith Wallis

    Liverpool University Press 2013 Translated texts for historians v. 58

    : cased

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow

    edited and translated by Christopher Grocock and I.N. Wood

    Clarendon Press 2013 1st ed Oxford medieval texts

    Available at 5 libraries

  • Bede : commentary on Revelation

    translated with an introduction and notes by Faith Wallis

    Liverpool University Press 2013 Translated texts for historians v. 58

    : pbk , : cased

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Bede's ecclesiastical history of the English people : an introduction and selection

    by Rowan Williams and Benedicta Ward

    Bloomsbury 2012

    : hb

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Collectio psalterii Bedae Venerabili adscripta

    edidit Gerald M. Browne

    De Gruyter 2011 Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana 1229

    Available at 2 libraries

  • On the Song of Songs and selected writings

    The venerable Bede ; translated, edited, and introduced by Arthur Holder ; preface by Benedicta Ward

    Paulist Press c2011 The classics of Western spirituality

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Bede : On the nature of things and On times

    [Bede] ; translated with introduction, notes and commentary by Calvin B. Kendall and Faith Wallis

    Liverpool University Press 2010 Translated texts for historians v. 56

    : cased

    Available at 1 libraries

  • On Genesis

    Bede ; translated with an introduction and notes by Calvin B. Kendall

    Liverpool University Press 2008 Translated texts for historians v. 48

    : pbk

    Available at 3 libraries

  • Storia degli inglesi : historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum

    Beda ; a cura di Michael Lapidge ; traduzione di Paolo Chiesa

    Fondazione Lorenzo Valla , Mondadori 2008-2010 Scrittori greci e latini

    : [set] , v. 1 , v. 2

    Available at 1 libraries

  • ベーダ英国民教会史


    講談社 2008.2 講談社学術文庫 [1862]

    Available at 190 libraries

  • The ecclesiastical history of the English people

    the Venerable Bede ; edited and annotated by J.A. Giles ; revised and corrected by Gerrish Gray

    Tiger of the Stripe 2007 Rev. ed

    Available at 1 libraries

  • On Ezra and Nehemiah

    Bede ; translated with an introduction and notes by Scott Degregorio

    Liverpool University Press 2006 Translated texts for historians v. 47

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Histoire ecclésiastique du peuple Anglais (Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum)

    Be︡de le Vénérable ; introduction et notes par AndréCrépin ; texte critique par Michael Lapidge ; traduction par Pierre Monat et Philippe Robin

    Cerf 2005- Sources chrétiennes no. 489-491

    t. 1 , t. 2 , t. 3

    Available at 14 libraries

  • Opera didascalica

    Typographi Brepols 2003 Corpvs Christianorvm ser. Latina ; 123A, 123B, 123C . Bedae Venerabilis opera ; pars 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Le tabernacle

    Bède le Vénérable ; texte latin, D. Hurst ; introduction, texte et traduction par Christophe Vuillaume

    Éditions du Cerf 2003 Sources chrétiennes no 475

    Available at 14 libraries

  • Bedae presbyteri Expositio Apocalypseos

    ad fidem codicvm manvscriptorvm edidit adnotationibvs criticis instrvxit prolegomenis mvnivit Roger Gryson

    Brepols 2001 Corpvs Christianorvm ser. Latina ; 121A . Bedae opera ; pars II, 5

    : relié , : broché , : série

    Available at 19 libraries

  • Collectio psalterii Bedae Venerabili adscripta

    edidit Gerald M. Browne

    K.G. Saur 2001 Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana

    Available at 18 libraries

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