レイブ, チャールズ A(レイブ, チャールズ A)
Lave, Charles
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Charles A. Lave, James G. March
University Press of America , [Amazon] [manufacture] c1993
: pbk
Available at 2 libraries
University Press of America c1993
Available at 17 libraries
チャールズ・A・レイブ, ジェームズ・G・マーチ著 ; 佐藤嘉倫, 大澤定順, 都築一治訳
ハーベスト社 1991.12
Available at 124 libraries
edited by Charles A. Lave ; foreword by John Meyer
Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research , Ballinger Pub. Co. 1985 Pacific studies in public policy
: pbk.
Charles A. Lave, guest editor
Pergamon Press c1980 Transportation research pt. A . General ; v. 14A, no. 5-6
Available at 1 libraries
Donald Sharp, Michael Cole, Charles Lave ; with commentary by Herbert P. Ginsburg, Ann L. Brown and Lucia A. French ; and reply by Michael Cole
The University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development 1979 Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development serial no. 178 = v. 44, nos. 1-2
Harper & Row c1975
Available at 22 libraries