Государственный комитет Совета министров СССР по науке и технике
Gosudarstvennyǐ komitet SSSR po nauke i tekhnike
Soviet Union. Sovet Ministrov. Gosudarstvennyǐ komitet po nauke i tekhnike
Soviet Union. State Committee on Science and Engineering
USSR State Committee for Science and Technology
State Committee of Council of Ministers of the USSR on Science and Engineering
Soviet Union. Staatliches Komitee für Wissenschaft und Technik beim Ministerrat der UdSSR
Russia ( U.S.S.R.). Gosudarstvennyǐ komitet po nauke i tekhnike
Soviet Union. State Committee for Science and Technology
Soviet Union. Nauke i tekhnike, Gosudarstvennyǐ komitet po
Soviet Union. Komitet po nauke i tekhnike, Gosudarstvennyǐ
Soviet Union. Science and Technology, State Committee for
Soviet Union. Science and Engineering, State Committee on
Gosudarstvennyǐ komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po nauke i tekhnike
GK SM SSSR po nauke i tekhnike