Wilkins, E. H.
Ernest Hatch Wilkins ; a cura [e traduzione dall'americano] di Remo Ceserani
Feltrinelli 1985 Campi del sapere i segni e la critica
Ernest H. Wilkins ; edited by Aldo S. Bernardo
Antenore 1978 Studi sul Petrarca 6
Ernest Hatch Wilkins
Folcroft Library Editions 1977
: lib. bdg.
by Ernest Hatch Wilkins
Harvard University Press 1974 Rev. / by Thomas G. Bergin
E.H.ウィルキンス著 ; 渡辺友市訳
東海大学出版会 1970.6 文明研究所シリーズ 10
edited for the Dante Society of America by Ernest Hatch Wilkins and Thomas Goddard Bergin ; associate editor, Anthony J. De Vito
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1966, c1965
by William A. Nitze and Ernest H. Wilkins ; with exercises by Clarence E. Parmenter
Holt, Rinehart, and Winston [1966]
ed. for the Dante Society of America by Ernest Hatch Wilkins and Thomas Goddard bergin
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1965
Ernest Hatch Wilkins ; a cura di Remo Ceserani ; [traduzione dall'americano di Remo Ceserani]
Feltrinelli c1964 1a ed Critica e filologia . Studi e manuali ; 2
of Petrarch ; translated by Ernest Hatch Wilkins ; drawings by Virgil Burnett
University of Chicago Press c1962
Harvard University Press 1962 Rev. / by Thomas G. Bergin
The University of Chicago Press c1961
The University of Chicago Press c1961 Phoenix books P148
by Ernest H. Wilkins
Antenore 1960 Medioevo e umanesimo 3
Storia e letteratura 1959
translated by Ernest Hatch Wilkins
University of Chicago Press 1958
Mediaeval Academy of America 1958 Mediaeval Academy of America publication no. 69
Storia e letteratura 1956 Sussidi eruditi 8
Harvard University Press 1954
Oxford U.P 1954