Sekst, Ėmpirik
Empirico, Sesto
Sextos, ho Empirikos
Sextus Empiricus
セクストス, エンペイリコス(セクストス, エンペイリコス)
Σέξτος, Ἐμπειρικός
Sextus Empiricus ; translated with an introduction and commentary by Lorenzo Corti
Brill c2024 Philosophia antiqua v. 167
: hardback
Sextus Empiricus ; selected, translated, and introduced by Richard Bett
Princeton University Press c2021 Ancient wisdom for modern readers
Sextus Empiricus ; translated with introduction and notes by Richard Bett
Oxford University Press 2018 1st ed
Sextus Empiricus ; [translated and edited by] Richard Bett
Cambridge University Press 2012
Sexto Empírico ; introducción, traducción, notas e índices de Juan Francisco Martos Montiel
Editorial Gredos 2012 Biblioteca clásica Gredos 401
セクストス・エンペイリコス [著] ; 金山弥平, 金山万里子訳
京都大学学術出版会 2010.11 西洋古典叢書 . 学者たちへの論駁||ガクシャ タチ エノ ロンバク ; 3
京都大学学術出版会 2006.8 西洋古典叢書 . 学者たちへの論駁||ガクシャ タチ エノ ロンバク ; 2
Sextus Empiricus ; translated and edited by Richard Bett
Cambridge University Press 2005 Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy
: hbk , : pbk
京都大学学術出版会 2004.2 西洋古典叢書
Sextus Empiricus ; introduction, glossaire et index par Pierre Pellegrin ; traduction par Catherine Dalimier ... [et al.] ; sous la direction de Pierre Pellegrin
Seuil c2002 Points Essais ; 489
Sextus Empiricus ; aus dem Griechischen übersetzt, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Fritz Jürß
Königshausen & Neumann 2001
Sextus Empiricus ; with an English translation by R.G. Bury
Harvard University Press 2000 printing The Loeb classical library 382 . Sextus Empiricus ; 4
Sesto Empirico ; a cura di Emidio Spinelli
Bibliopolis c2000 Elenchos 32
Sextus Empiricus ; translation, commentary, and introduction by Richard Bett
Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press 2000, c1997 Clarendon later ancient philosophers
: pbk.
Sextus Empiricus ; edited by Julia Annas, Jonathan Barnes
Cambridge University Press 2000 Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy
Sextus Empiricus ; übersetzt von Hansueli Flückiger
Academia Verlag 1998 1. Aufl Texte zur Philosophie Bd. 10
Sextus Empiricus ; translated with an introduction and commentary by D.L. Blank
Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press 1998 Clarendon later ancient philosophers
京都大学学術出版会 1998.2 西洋古典叢書
Harvard University Press 1997 The Loeb classical library 311 . Sextus Empiricus ; 3
Harvard University Press 1997 The Loeb classical library 291 . Sextus Empiricus ; 2