ライト, トーマス
by Thomas Wright
Forgotten Books c2015 Classic reprint series
: pbk
Thomas Wright
Cambridge University Press 2014 Cambridge library collection Linguistics
: pbk. : v. 1: A-F , : pbk. : v. 2: G-Z
Cambridge University Press 2012 Cambridge library collection
v. 1 : pbk , v. 2 : pbk
edited by James Heywood and Thomas Wright
Cambridge University Press 2009 Cambridge library collection . Cambridge
v. 1 : [pbk.] , v. 2 : [pbk.]
T. Crofton Croker edited by Thomas Wright ; with illustrations by Daniel Maclise and W.T. Green
Dover 2008 Dover books on anthropology and folklore
translated by W. Marsden ; and revised by T. Wright ; newly revised and edited by Peter Harris ; with an introduction by Colin Thubron
A.A. Knopf 2008 New ed Everyman's library 313 , Borzoi books
Athena Press 2006 Athena library of English studies pt. 1, v. 1
: set, pt. 1
In literature and art by Thomas Wright
[CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform] [20--]
Robert Harding Evans, Thomas Wright
Ulan Press [20--]
トーマス・ライト [著] ; 幸田礼雅訳
新評論 1999.3
Thomas Wright ; Drawn and engraved by F.W. Fairholt
Georg Olms 1976
by Thomas Wright ; edited and collated by Richard Paul Wülcker
Gordon Press 1976 2nd ed
: [set] , v. 1 , v. 2
edited by Thomas Wright
S. Emmering 1970
Edited from a manuscript in the Ashmolean Museum by Thomas Wright
B. Franklin [1970] Essays in literature & criticism 98 , Burt Franklin research & source works series 589
edited, with notes, by Thomas Wright
AMS Press [1969] Bohn's antiquarian library
translated from the original French into English in the reign of Henry VI, and edited for the first time from the unique manuscript in the British Museum, Harl. 1764, and Caxton's print, A.D. 1484, with an introduction and notes by Thomas Wright
Greenwood Press 1969 Rev. ed Early English Text Society original series 33
edited from the originals in the British Museum by Thomas Wright
Johnson Reprint 1968 Camden Society old series Ser. no. I, 26
edited, from the original manuscript, by Thomas Wright
Johnson Reprint 1968 Camden Society old series Series no. I, 102
collected and edited by Thomas Wright
Johnson Reprint 1968 Camden Society old series Series no. I, 16
edited from the unique manuscript in the Bodleian library at Oxford, by Thomas Wright
Johnson Reprint 1968 Camden Society old series Series no. I, 50