カズンズ, J. G.
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ソール・ベロー [著] ; 刈田元司訳 . ジェームズ・カズンズ [著] ; 高橋正雄訳
荒地出版社 1959.1 現代アメリカ文学全集 / 刈田元司 [ほか] 編 ; 山屋三郎 [ほか] 訳 19
Available at 120 libraries
James Gould Cozzens
Fawcett Publications 1959, c1957 Fawcett world library , Crest giant t326
Available at 1 libraries
Harcourt, Brace c1959 A Harvest/HBJ book HB135
Longmans 1958
Available at 7 libraries
Longmans, Green 1958
Available at 5 libraries
Available at 4 libraries
Harcourt, Brace c1957 A Harvest/HBJ book HB124
Longmans, Green and Co. c1957
Available at 11 libraries
Harcourt, Brace c1957 [1st ed.]
Available at 27 libraries
Random House [1956, c1934] Modern library paperbacks P 17
Harcourt, Brace c1948 A Harvest/HBJ book HB77
Harcourt, Brace 1948
Available at 21 libraries
editied and with an introduction by Herschel Brickell
Pocket Books c1947 Pocket book
Available at 3 libraries
by James Gould Cozzens
Penguin Books 1945 Penguin books 522
Harcourt, Brace c1942 A Harvest/HBJ book HB 91
Harcourt, Brace c1942 1st ed
Available at 9 libraries
Harcourt, Brace c1942 1st ed The Harbrace modern classics
Available at 8 libraries
Harcourt, Brace c1940 The Harbrace modern classics
Harcourt, Brace c1940
Available at 6 libraries
Harcourt Brace [c1936]