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Service d'études économiques, Société des nations = Economic Intelligence Service, League of Nations
原書房 1971-1972 リプリント版
Available at 50 libraries
[League of Nations] 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 2 . Economic and financial ; 1930, II. 54 I . Memorandum on international trade and balances of payments, 1927-1929 ; v. 1
Available at 1 libraries
[Société des Nations] 1930 Série de publications de la Société des Nations 2 . Questions économiques et financières ; 1929, II. 51 III . Mémorandum sur le commerce international et sur les balances des paiements, 1926-1928 ; v. 3
[Société des Nations] 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 2 . Questions économiques et financières ; 1929. II. 51 III . Mémorandum sur le commerce international et sur les balances des paiements, 1926-1928 ; v. 3
[League of Nations] 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 2 . Economic and financial ; 1929, II. 51 II. Memorandum on internatinal trade and balances of payments, 1926-1928 ; v. 2
[League of Nations] 1930 Series of League of Nations publications . 6.A, Mandates ; 1930, 6.A, 5
Available at 2 libraries
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 2 . Economic and financial ; 1930.II.23
[League of Nations] 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 2, economic and financial ; 1930. II. 22
Société des Nations = League of Nations 1930 Série de publications de la Société des Nations 2 . Questions économiques et financières ; 1930. II. 20
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 7, Political, 1930, VII.5
Available at 3 libraries
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 3 . Health ; 1930. III. 6
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications III. Health. 1930. 4
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications III. Health. 1930. 3
[League of Nations, Health Organisation]
League of Nations 1930 Statistical handbooks series / [League of Nations, Health Organisation] No. 14
rapporteur, M. Z. Fierlinger
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[League of Nations] 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 12.A. Intellectual co-operation ; 1930. XII.A. 4
League of Nations Economic Committee
[League of Nations] [1930] Series of League of Nations publications II. Economic and financial, 1930.II.24
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[League of Nations] [1930] Series of League of Nations publications II. Economic and financial, 1930.II.18
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 11 . Opium and other dangerous drugs ; 1930. XI. 9
League of Nations 1930 Series of League of Nations publications 11 . Opium and other dangerous drugs ; 1930. XI. 8