Great Britain. Chancellor of the Exchequer
HM Treasury (Great Britain)
H.M. Treasury (Great Britain)
Her Majesty's Treasury (Great Britain)
His Majesty's Treasury (Great Britain)
イギリス. 大蔵省(イギリス. オオクラショウ)
G.B. Treasury
Gt. Brit. Treasury
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty, April 1998
Stationery Office 1998 Cm 3917
[HM Treasury]
H.M. Stationery Office c1997 2nd ed.
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chief Secretary to the Treasury by command of Her Majesty, March 1996
H.M.S.O. [1997] Cm 3617
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer by Commoand of Her Majesty, March 1997
Stationery Office [1997] Cm 3601
H.M.S.O. [1996] Cm 3217
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer by command of Her Majesty, July 1995
HMSO 1995 Cm 2929
presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty, March 1995
HMSO 1995 Cm 2805
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer
HMSO [1995] Cm 2821
presented to Parliament by the Financial Secretary to the Treasury and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury of Command of Her Majesty March 1995
H.M.S.O. [1995] Cm 2819
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chief Secretary to the Treasury by command of Her Majesty, March 1995
H.M.S.O. [1995] Cm 2817
presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty, March 1995
HMSO [1995] Cm 2816
HMSO [1994] Cm 2519
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chief Secretary to the Treasury by command of Her Majesty, March 1994
H.M.S.O. [1994] Cm 2517
presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty, March 1994
HMSO [1994] Cm 2516
presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty, March 1994
HMSO 1994 Cm 2505
presented to Parliament by the Secretaries of Treasury by command of Her Majesty
HMSO 1994
H.M.S.O. 1994-
アーバンハウジング 1993.3 調査研究シリーズ No.9206 . 多極分散問題研究会部内資料 / 多極分散問題研究会[編]||タキョク ブンサン モンダイ ケンキュウカイ ブナイ シリョウ ; イギリス篇-01
presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Chief Secretary to the Treasury by command of Her Majesty, February 1993
H.M.S.O. [1993] Cm 2217
presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury by Command of Her Majesty, February 1993
HMSO [1993] Cm 2205