Petrie, Flinders, Sir
Flinders Petrie, W. M. (William Matthew), Sir
Petrie, William Matthew Flinders, Sir
ペトリー, フリンダース(ペトリー, フリンダース)
Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie
Aris & Phillips , Malter [1974]
Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie ; introduction by Geoffrey T. Martin
Aris & Phillips c1972
by Sir Flinders Petrie
Cooper Square Publishers 1972
by W.M. Flinders Petrie
B. Blom 1972
by Flinders Petrie
Greenwood Press 1969, c1932
W.M. Flinders Petrie ; with preface and introduction by Hilda Flinders Petrie ; and additional notes to text by Margaret A. Murray . by W.M. Flinders Petrie
British School of Egyptian Archaeology, University College : B. Quaritch 1953 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account v. 66, A, B
British School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College : B. Quaritch 1940 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account v. 63
British School of Archeology in Egipt, University College and Bernard Quarith Ltd 1940. Publications 63
Sheldon Press 1939
British School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College : B. Quaritch 1938 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account
by Flinders Petrie ; with chapters by J.C. Ellis
British School of Archaeology : Bernard Quaritch 1937 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account 42nd year, 1936 ; v. 58
Flinders Petrie
British School of Archaeology : Bernard Quaritch 1937 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account 43rd year, 1937, [Publications, no. 59]
British School of Archaeology in Egypt : Bernard Quaritch 1935 British School of Archaeology in Egypt and Egyptian research account 41th year, 1935. [Publication no. 57]
W.M. Flinders Petrie
Society for Promoting Cristian Knowledge [1934]
Sampson Low, Marston [1932?]
British School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College : Bernard Quaritch 1931-1952 British School of Archaeology in Egypt [Publication no. 53-56, 64] . Ancient Gaza ; 1-5
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
[フリンダース・ペトリー著] ; 石山徹郎譯
美術叢書刊行會 1930.1 美術叢書
by Flinders Petrie ; with a chapter by Olga Tufnell
British School of Archaeology in Egypt, University College : B. Quaritch 1930 British School of Archaeology in Egypt [Publication no. 48] . Beth-pelet ; 1
University College : B. Quaritch 1930
British School of Archaeology in Egypt : Bernard Quaritch 1930 British School of Archaeology in Egypt [Publication no. 51]