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John D. Hoag
Dover Publications 2005
Available at 1 libraries
Electa Architecture 2004, c1973 History of world architecture
: pbk.
Available at 4 libraries
ジョン・D・ホーグ著 ; 山田幸正訳
本の友社 2001.9 図説世界建築史 6
Available at 261 libraries
ج. هوگ, هانری مارتن ; ترجمۀ پرویز ورجاوند
شرکت انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی 1996 چاپ 2
Gallimard , Electa c1991 Histoire de l'architecture
Rizzoli , Electa 1987, c1975 History of world architecture
Available at 33 libraries
Faber and Faber , Electa 1987 History of world architecture
Available at 7 libraries
John D. Hoag ; [aus dem Englischen übertragen von Grete und Karl-Eberhardt Felten]
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt c1986 Weltgeschichte der Architektur
Available at 2 libraries
H.N. Abrams 1977, c1975 History of world architecture
Available at 55 libraries
Electa Editrice c1975 Storia universale dell'architettura
John D. Hoag ; in deutschsprachger Fassung von Hertha Kuntze
O. Maier 1965, c1963 Grosse Zeiten und Werke der Architektur Bd. 11
by John D. Hoag
George Braziller 1963 The Great ages of world architecture
Available at 9 libraries
Prentice-Hall International 1963 The great ages of world architecture
Available at 14 libraries
Editions des deux-mondes c1962
Studio Vista [19--] The Great ages of world architecture