Grabar, André
グラバール, アンドレ(グラバール, アンドレ)
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André Grabar
A. Michel [1963] L'Art dans le monde : fondements historiques, sociologiques et religieux 2e série ; Civilisations européennes
Available at 9 libraries
text by Michelangelo Muraro and André Grabar ; [translated by James Emmons]
Skira c1963
Available at 14 libraries
preface, André Grabar, introduction, Georges Oprescu
New York Graphic Society, by arrangement with Unesco c1962 Unesco world art series
Available at 13 libraries
preface, André Grabar ; introduction, Krsto Mijatev
Published by the New York Graphic Society by arrangement with UNESCO c1961 Unesco world art series
Available at 20 libraries
préface, André Grabar ; introduction, Manolis Chatzidakis
UNESCO 1959 Collection Unesco de l'art mondial
Available at 1 libraries
preface, André Grabar ; introduction, Manolis Chatzidakis
Published by the New York Graphic Society by arrangement with UNESCO c1959 Unesco world art series
Available at 16 libraries
André Grabar ; photo. de Denise Fourmont
Librairie C. Klincksieck 1958
Available at 2 libraries
André Grabar, Carl Nordenfalk
Skira 1958 Les grands siècles de la peinture / collection établie et dirigée par Albert Skira
Available at 28 libraries
mural painting by André Grabar ; book illumination by Carl Nordenfalk ; [translated by Stuart Gilbert]
Skira 1958 The great centuries of painting / collection planned and directed by Albert Skira
Available at 39 libraries
Mosaiken und Wandmalereien von André Grabar ; Buchmalerei von Carl Nordenfalk ; [Karl Georg Hemmerich übersetzt]
Skira c1957 Die grossen Jahrhunderte der Malerei
Skira 1957 Les grands siècles de la peinture / collection établie et dirigée par Albert Skira
Available at 29 libraries
par André Grabar
Collège de France 1957
Available at 7 libraries
mosaics and mural painting by André Grabar ; book illumination by Carl Nordenfalk ; [translated by Stuart Gilbert]
Skira [1957] The great centuries of painting / collection planned and directed by Albert Skira
Available at 44 libraries
historical and critical study by André Grabar ; [translated by Stuart Gilbert]
Skira c1953 The great centuries of painting / collection planned and directed by Albert Skira
Available at 27 libraries
Skira c1953 Les grands siècles de la peinture / collection établie et dirigée par Albert Skira
Available at 42 libraries
Jean Ebersolt ; préface de A. Grabar
Adrien-Maisonneuve 1951
introduction de André Grabar
Bibliothèque nationale 1948
Available at 4 libraries
Collège de France 1943-1946
v. 1 , v. 2 , Album
Available at 5 libraries
introduction par André Grabar
Éditions d'art et d'histoire 1939
Les Belles lettres 1936 Publications de la Faculté des lettres de Strasbourg fasc. 75
Available at 3 libraries