Rainolds, John



Rainoldus, Johannes

Raynolds, John

Reynolds, John

J. R. (John Rainolds)

Reignolds, Doctor (John)

Rainoldes, Maister (John)

Rainoldes, D. (John)

Rainoldes, John

R., J. (John Rainolds)


検索結果5件中 1-5 を表示

  • John Rainolds's Oxford lectures on Aristotle's Rhetoric

    edited and translated with commentary by Lawrence D. Green

    University of Delaware Press , Associated University Presses c1986


  • Th'overthrow of stage-playes

    by John Rainoldes, William Gager, and Alberico Gentili ; with a preface for the Garland edition by Arthur Freeman

    Garland Pub. 1974 The English stage : attack and defense, 1577-1730 : a collection of 90 important works reprinted in photo-facsimile in 50 volumes / edited by Arthur Freeman


  • The overthrow of stage-plays

    by the way of controversy between D. Gager and D. Rainolds ; by John Rainolds ; introductory note by J. W. Binns

    Johnson Reprint Corp. 1972 Theatrum redivivum


  • Oratio in laudem artis poeticae : circa 1572

    by John Rainolds ; with an introduction and commentary by William Ringler ; and an English translation by Walter Allen, Jr.

    University Microfilms 1940


  • Oratio in laudem artis poeticae : circa 1572

    by John Rainolds ; with an introduction and commentary by William Ringler ; and an English translation by Walter Allen, Jr.

    Princeton University Press 1940 Princeton studies in English 20

