萬國工業會議(バンコク コウギョウ カイギ)
万国工業会議(バンコク コウギョウ カイギ)
五山堂書店 1995.9 [復刻版] 日本科学的管理史資料集 / 奥田健二, 佐々木聡編 第2集 図書篇 第4巻
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 37-38
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 35-36 . Mining and metallurgy ; pt. 3-4
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 33-34
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 31-32
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 29-30 . Shipbuilding and marine engineering ; pt. 1-2
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 27-28
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 15-16 . Railway engineering ; pt. 3-4
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 23-24
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 21-22
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 19-20 . Communication ; pt. 1-2
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 17-18 . Railway engineering ; pt. 5
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 25-26
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 11-12 . Public works ; pt. 3-4
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 13-14 . Railway engineering ; pt. 1-2
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 9-10 . Public works ; pt. 1-2
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 7-8 . Architecture and structural engineering ; pt. 1-2
part 2
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 5-6
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 3-4
World Engineering Congress : Distributed by Kogakkai 1931 World Engineering Congress, Tokyo, 1929 : proceedings / edited and published by World Engineering Congress v. 1-2