newly published by Charles Gibbon. A werke for housholders / or for them y haue the gydnge or gouerenaunce of any company / Rycharde Whitforde. A demonstration of the truth of that discipline, which Christ hath prescribed in His word, for the government of His church, in all times and places, until the end of the world : (July-November 1588.) / John Udall ; edited by Edward Arber. A short svrvey of the right manner of erecting and ordering a familie, according to the scriptures / first written in Latine by the author M. W. Perkins ; and now et forth in the vulgar tongue, for more common ve and benefit, by Tho. Pickering. In this boke are conteyned the comendacions of matrymony / [William Hrrington]. The decades of Henry Bullinger, Minister of the Church of Zurich / tr. by B. I. ; edited for the Parker Society by Rev. Thomas Harding. The boke of matrimony both profitable and comfortable for all them / newly made, and now firste of all published by Thomas Bacon
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