Wildy, Simmonds & Hill 2018 4th ed. / Keith Biggs and Samantha Edward
Keith Biggs
Wildy, Simmonds & Hill 2017 6th ed
compiled by A.K. Biggs
Tottel c2005 8th ed Lawyers costs & fees series 1
editor, A.K. Biggs ; text preparation by Butterworths editorial staff
Butterworths 1994-1997 Butterworths rules of court
1994 , 1995 , 1997 ed
by A.K. Biggs and J. Strong
Fourmat 1992 4th ed Lawyers practice and procedure series
Butterworths 1988 15th ed. / editor in chief, Joseph Jackson ; assisted by the Honourable Dame Margaret Booth, G.J. Maple, A.K. Biggs
: set , v. 1 , v. 2
editor in chief, Joseph Jackson ; editors, G.J. Maple, A.K. Biggs
Butterworth 1986
by A.K. Biggs and A.P. Rogers
Fourmat 1985 2nd ed Lawyers practice and procedure series
by A.K. Biggs
Fourmat 1984 2nd ed Lawyers practice and procedure series
[William Rayden]
Butterworths 1983 14th ed. / editor in chief, Joseph Jackson ; editors, Peter Singer, G.J. Maple, A.K. Biggs ; consulting editor, C.F. Turner