Hindus, Milton
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edited by Milton Hindus
Routledge 2013, c1971 The critical heritage series
: pbk
Available at 3 libraries
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Milton Hindus ; traduit de l'anglais par André Belamich
Herne c2007
Milton Hindus
Syracuse University Press 2001, c1962 Reader's guide to literature
: pbk.
Milton Hindus ; traduit de l'anglais par André Belamich
Herne [1999] L'Herne no 3
Available at 6 libraries
Milton Hindus ; with a new introduction by the author
Transaction Publishers c1997 The library of conservative thought
Routledge 1997 The critical heritage series
Available at 20 libraries
Transaction Publishers c1994 The library of conservative thought
Available at 4 libraries
National Poetry Foundation, University of Maine at Orono c1984 The Man and poet series
ミルトン・ヒンダス [著] ; 上村くにこ訳
松籟社 1982.10
Available at 25 libraries
by Milton Hindus
Black Sparrow Press 1977
Available at 1 libraries
Routledge & K. Paul 1971 The critical heritage series
Available at 125 libraries
Editions de l'Herne 1969 L'Herne . Essais et philosophie ; no 3
Available at 2 libraries
Holt, Rinehart and Winston c1968 American authors and critics series
Available at 31 libraries
edited and with an introduction by Milton Hindus
Stanford Univ. Press 1966
Available at 34 libraries
by Irving Babbitt ; with an introduction by Milton Hindus
Farrar, Straus and Company 1963
Available at 10 libraries
Farrar, Straus and Cudahy c1962
The Noonday Press, a subsidiary of Farrar, Straus and Cudahy c1962 Noonday 222
Thames and Hudson 1962
essays by William Carlos Williams [et al.] ; edited and with an introduction by Milton Hindus
Stanford Univ. Press , Oxford Univ. Press 1955
Available at 9 libraries
L'Arche 1951