Bloch, J. (Jules)
Zyūla Blôk̲h̲a
Blôk̲h̲a, Zyūla
translated with an introduction and notes by V. R. Ramachandra Dikshitar ; with foreword by Jules Bloch and K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar
International Institute of Tamil Studies 1997 Reprint Publication / International Institute of Tamil Studies 267
Sylvain Lévi, Jean Przyluski, Jules Bloch ; translated from French by Prabodh Chandra Bagchi
Asian Educational Services 1993
par Jules Bloch, Jean Filliozat, Louis Renou
Maisonneuve 1989- Canon bouddhique pāli (Tipiṭaka) : text et traduction t. 1
fasc. 1
textes rassemblés par Colette Caillat
Collège de France, Institut de civilisation indienne : Diffusion E. de Boccard 1985 Publications de l'Institut de civilisation indienne Série in-8o ; fasc. 52
edited by J. Bloch, J. Charpentier, R.L. Turner
Sri Satguru Publications : Distributed by Indian Books Centre 1985 भारतसम्भोटप्राच्यबौद्धविद्याप्रकाशन no. 21
translated with an introduction and notes by V.R. Ramachandra Dikshitar ; with foreword by Jules Bloch and K.R. Srinivasa Iyengar
South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Pub. Society 1978 2nd ed. Publication no. 1673
ジュール・ブロック著 ; 木内信敬訳
白水社 1975 文庫クセジュ
By Sylvain Lévi, Jean Przyluski and Jules Bloch ; translated from French by Prabodh Chandra Bagchi
University of Calcutta 1975
白水社 1973.2 文庫クセジュ 528
लेखक, सूर्यकान्त ; भूमिका-लेखक, जे० ब्लॉख
मेहरचन्द लछमनदास 1973
by Jules Bloch ; translated by Dev Raj Chanana
Motilal Banarsidass 1970
par Jules Bloch
Presses universitaires de France 1969, c1953 3e éd. mise à jour / par François de Vaux de Foletier et Henriette David Que sais-je? . Le point des connaissances actuelles ; no. 580
Jules Bloch ; English edition largely revised by the author ; and translated by Alfred Master
Librairie d'Amérique et d'Orient, Adrien-Maisonneuve 1965
Imprimerie nationale 1963 Cahiers de la Société asiatique 13
अनुवादक, लक्षमीसागर वार्ष्णेय
हिन्दी समिति, सूचना विभाग 1963 1. संस्करण हिन्दी समिति ग्रन्थमाला 12
by Dimbeswar Neog ; with introduction by Sri Bisnuram Medhi ; preface by Suniti Kumar Chatterji ; foreword by Jules Bloch ; life sketch by Beni Medhav Barua
Xuwan̄1 Prakās (Beauty Publications) 1962
Presses universitaires de France 1960 2. éd Que sais-je? 580
Jules Bloch ; authorised translation from the original French by Ramkrishna Ganesh Harshé
Deccan College Post-graduate & Research Institute 1954 Deccan College hand-book series 3
Presses universitaires de France 1953 Que sais-je? 580
traduites et commentées par Jules Bloch
Les Belles Lettres 1950 Collection Émile Senart