Minorsky, V.
Minorskiĭ, Vladimir Fëdorovich
Минорский, Владимир Фёдорович
Minorskiĭ, V. F.
Минорский, В. Ф.
Minorskīĭ, V. Ḟ.
Минорскій, В. Ѳ.
Mīnūriskī, Vlādīmīr
مینورسکی, و.
translated [from the Persian] and explained by V. Minorsky
Luzac 1970 2nd ed. / with the preface by V.V. Barthold ; translated from the Russian and with additional material by the Late Professor Minorsky ; edited by C.E. Bosworth "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" series new ser., 11
translated and explained by V. Minorsky
Published and distributed by the Trustees of the "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" 1970 2nd ed. / with the preface by V.V. Barthold ; translated from the Russian and with additional material by the late Professor Minorsky ; edited by C.E. Bosworth "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" series new series., 11
by V. Minorsky
[Printed by Stephen Austin] 1964 انتشارات دانشگاه تهران v. 775
В.Ф. Минорский ; [ответственный редактор, А.А. Али-Заде]
Изд-во восточной лит-ры 1963
با تعليقات و تحقيقات ولاديمير مينورسکی ; ترجمۀ ابو الفضل طباطبائی
چاپخانۀ بهمن 1342 [1963 or 1964]
و. مینورسکی ; ترجمۀ رشید یاسمی
کتابهای سیمرغ 1963? کتابهای سیمرغ 113
V.V. Barthold ; translated from the Russian by V. and T. Minorsky
E.J. Brill 1962 Four studies on the history of Central Asia / V.V. Barthold ; translated from the Russian by V. and T. Minorsky v. 3
by S. Maqbul Ahmad ; with a foreword by V. Minorsky
E.J. Brill 1960 Publication of the De Goeje Fund no. 20
translated from the Persian by V. Minorsky ; with an introduction by B.N. Zakhoder ; translated from the Russian by T. Minorsky
[Freer Gallery of Art] 1959 Freer Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. occasional papers v. 3, no. 2 , Smithsonian Institution publication 4339
از و. مینورسکی ; ترجمه و تحشیۀ عبد العلی کارنگ
کتابفروشی تهران 1337 [1958 or 1959]
W. Heffer c1958
by V. Minorsky ; with an introduction by J.V.S. Wilkinson
Hodges, Figgis 1958
E.J. Brill 1958 Four studies on the history of Central Asia / V.V. Barthold ; translated from the Russian by V. and T. Minorsky v. 2
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland : Sold by Luzac 1957 Royal Asiatic Society monographs v. 26
ترجمۀ مسعود رجبنیا ; حواشی و فهارس و مقدمه و امعان نظر محمد دبیرسیاقی
کتابفروشی زوار 1334 [1956]
E.J. Brill 1956
v. 1
[Cambridge University Press] [1955?]
Cairo University Press 1955
Taylor's Foreign Press 1953 Cambridge oriental series no. 6
Luzac , W. Heffer & Sons for the Trustees of the "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" [manufacture] 1943 "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" series new ser., 16