Pease, Esther
by Aileene S. Lockhart and Esther E. Pease
W.C. Brown Co. c1982 6th ed
Esther E. Pease ; ill. by the author
W. C. Brown Co. c1976 2d ed Wm. C. Brown physical education activities and dance series
アイリーン・ロックハート, エスター・ピース著 ; 松本千代栄, 石黒節子訳
大修館書店 1974.9 現代舞踊学双書 2
by Aileene Lockhart and revision with Esther E. Pease ; Music by Quin Adamson ; Illus. by Ann Carr and Elizabeth Quinton ; Calligraphy by Wilhelmina Kerkhoven
W. C. Brown Co. Publishers [1973] 4th ed
by Aileene Lockhart and revision with Esther E. Pease ; with music by Jessie B. Flood and Quin Adamson ; illustrations by Elizabeth Quinton ; calligraphy by Wilhelmina Kerkhoven
Wm. C. Brown c1966 3rd ed Brown physical education series
by Esther Elizabeth Pease
[University Microfilms] [1953]
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