Shevchenko, Igorʹ
recensuit Anglice vertit indicibus instruxit Ihor Ševčenko
De Gruyter c2011 Corpus fontium historiae Byzantinae v. 42 . Series Berolinensis
ed. by Ihor Ševčenko and Irmgard Hutter
Teubner 1998
editors in chief, Ihor Ševčenko and Gennady G. Litavrin ; corresponding editor, Walter K. Hanak
Byzantine Studies Press 1996- Byzantine studies = Etudes Byzantines : new series Supplementum ; 1-2
v. 1 , v. 2
Ihor Ševčenko
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press 1996 The Peter Jacyk Centre for Ukrainian Historical Research monograph series no. 1
: pbk , : cl
Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute , Instituto Universitario Orientale c1991 Renovatio 1
Herbert Hunger, Ihor Ševčenko
Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1986 Wiener Byzantinistische Studien / herausgegeben von Herbert Hunger Bd. 18
Ukrainian Studies Fund, Harvard University c1984 The Millennium series
text and translation by Ihor Ševčenko and Nancy Patterson Ševčenko
Hellenic College Press c1984 The Archbishop Iakovos library of ecclesiastical and historical sources no. 10
Variorum Reprints 1982 Collected studies series CS155
edited by Elizabeth and Michael Jeffreys and Ann Moffatt ; with a preface by Ihor Ševčenko
Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University 1981 Byzantina Australiensia 1
Variorum Reprints 1981 Collected studies series CS137
edited by Ihor Ševčenko and Frank E. Sysyn with the assistance of Uliana M. Pasiznyk
Ukranian Research Institute, Harvard University Press 1980 Harvard Ukrainian studies v. 3/4, 1979-1980
pt. 1 , pt. 2
by George H. Forsyth and Kurt Weitzmann, with Ihor Ševčenko and Fred Anderegg
University of Michigan Press [1965?] The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai
by Ihor Ševčenko
Bobbs-Merrill c1964 The Bobbs-Merrill reprint series in European history E-196
par Ihor Ševčenko
Éditions de Byzantion 1962 Corpus bruxellense historiae byzantinae subsidia 3