Hanley, James
James Hanley ; tr. del ingles por Elsa Mateo
Seix Barral 1992 Biblioteca breve
Seix Barral 1990 Biblioteca breve
James Hanley ; with and introduction by Henry Miller
Deutsch 1990
as told to Maxim Gorky ; with supplementary correspondence and notes, translated from the Russian, compiled and edited by Nina Froud and James Hanley ; foreword by Gennadi Rochdestrensky
Columbus 1988 The lively arts
James Hanley
Penguin Books 1983 Penguin twentieth-century classics
Deutsch 1976
Chatto and Windus 1971, c1952 The Landmark library no. 26
Macdonald c1958
Nicholson & Watson 1946
by James Hanley
J. Lane 1940
J. Lane, Bodley Head 1938
Chatto & Windus 1937
J. Lane the Bodley Head 1937
Methuen 1937
Macmillan 1936
Macmillan 1935
Chatto and Windus 1935
Chatto & Windus 1935
by James Hanley ; with a preface by John Cowper Powys
Knopf 1932 Borzoi books
J. Lane Bodley Head 1932