Davies, N. de G. (Norman de Garis)
by N. de G. Davies
Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1906 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 16th Memoir . The rock tombs of El Amarna ; pt. 4
by N. de G. Davies ; with an appensix on the Greek graffiti by Seymour de Ricci
Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1905 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 15th Memoir . The rock tombs of El Amarna ; pt. 3
Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1905 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 14th Memoir . The rock tombs of El Amarna ; pt. 2
Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1903 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 13th Memoir . The rock tombs of El Amarna ; pt. 1
by N. de G. Davies ; with appendices by W.E. Crum and G.A. Boulenger
Sold at the Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1902 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 12th memoir . The rock tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi ; pt. 2
Sold at the Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1902 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 11th memoir . The rock tombs of Deir el Gebrâwi ; pt. 1
Sold at the Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1901 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 10th memoir
by N. de G. Davies ; with notes by the editor
Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1901 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 9th memoir . The mastaba of Ptahhetep and Akhethetep at Saqqareh ; pt. 2
by N. de G. Davies ; with chapters by the editor
Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund 1900 Archaeological survey of Egypt / ed. by F. Ll. Griffith 8th memoir . The mastaba of Ptahhetep and Akhethetep at Saqqareh ; pt. 1