India (Republic). Planning Commission
インド政府計画委員会(インド セイフ ケイカク イインカイ)
The Commission 1999 Ninth five year plan, 1997-2002 / Government of India, Planning Commission vol. 1
Government of India, Planning Commission
The Commission 1999-
The Commission 1999 Ninth five year plan, 1997-2002 / Government of India, Planning Commission vol. 2
Planning Commission 1994
study carried out by Ramprasad Sengupta
Planning Commission, Govt. of India 1993
Planning Commission, India
In-house reproduction [manufacture]
マイクロ形態 (マイクロフィルム (リール))
Planning Commission, Government of India 1992
Govt. of India, Planning Commission [1992]
v. 1 , v. 2
[Planning Commission, Govt. of India] [199-]
pt. 1 , pt. 2
Planning commission, Govement of India
[Steering Committee for Transport Planning]
Planning Commission, Govt. of India 1988
Govt. of India, Planning Commission 1988
Govt. of India, Planning Commission [1988]
インド政府計画委員会編 ; 黒澤一晃,鈴木基義共訳
インド経済研究会 1987.5 インドの第7次5か年計画 / インド政府計画委員会編 第1巻
インド経済研究会 1987-1988 インドの第7次5か年計画 / インド政府計画委員会編 第2巻
第1分冊 , 第2分冊 , 第3分冊
[Government of India, Planning Commission]
Govt. of India, Planning Commission 1987
Govt. of India, Planning Commission 1985 The Seventh five year plan, 1985-90 v. 2
M. Shiviah ... [et al.] ; sponsored by the Planning Commission, Government of India
National Institute of Rural Development 1985
Planning Commission, India (Republic)
In-house reproduction [manufacture] The Seventh five year plan, 1985-90 v. 2
In-house reproduction [manufacture] The Seventh five year plan, 1985-90 v. 1