Pulle, August Adriaan


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Pulle, A.

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  • Araceae, Pontederiaceae, Batidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Marantaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Piperaceae, Chenopodiaceae, additions and corrections

    edited by A.A. Pulle and J. Lanjouw

    E.J. Brill 1968 Flora of Suriname v. 1, pt. 2

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Sympetalae

    edited by A. Pulle

    E.J. Brill 1966 Flora of Suriname v. 4, pt. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Dialypetalae

    edited by A. Pulle

    E.J. Brill 1966 Flora of Suriname v. 3, pt. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Lycopodinae, Gnetales, Monocotyledonae, Monochlamydeae

    edited by A. Pulle

    E.J. Brill 1966 Flora of Suriname v. 1, pt. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Flora of Suriname

    E.J. Brill 1966-

  • Flora of Suriname

    E.J. Brill 1966- [Reprint ed.]

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Araceae . Pontederiaceae . Batidaceae

    by A. M. E. Jonker-Verhoef and F. P. Jonker . by A. M. E. Jonker-Verhoef . by F. P. Jonker

    The Royal Tropical Institute 1953 Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen Mededeling no. 30 . Afdeling tropische Producten ; no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 1 pt. 2

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Oxalidaceae (pars) . Myrtaceae ; Aquifoliaceae . Dichapetalaceae ; Trigoniaceae ; Vochysiaceae ; Zygophyllaceae . Burseraceae . Umbelliferae

    by F. P. Jonker . by G. J. H. Amshoff . by F. A. Stafleu . J. J. Swart . by F. A. Stafleu

    The Royal Institute for the Indies 1951 Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen Mededeling no. 30 . Afdeling tropische Producten ; no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 3 pt. 2

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Gramineae . Amaryllidaceae ; Iridaceae . Triuridaceae ; Hydrocharitaceae ; Alismataceae ; Butomaceae . Portulacaceae . additions and corrections to vol. 1 part 1

    by G. J. H. Amshoff and J. Th. Henrard . by Magda J. A. Boterenbrood . by F. P. Jonker . by S. J. van Ooststroom .

    J. H. de Bussy 1948 Koninklijke Vereeniging Indisch Instituut Mededeeling no. 30 . Afdeeling Handelsmuseum ; no. 11 . Flora of Suriname ( Netherlands Guyana ) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol.1 pt. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Erythroxylaceae . Oenotheraceae ; Rhizophoraceae ; Oxalidaceae (pars)

    by V.Westhoff . by F. P. Jonker

    J. H. de Bussy 1942 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum ; no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 3 pt. 2

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Verbenaceae ; Avicenniaceae . Asclepiadaceae (pars)

    by Harold N. Moldenke . by F. P. Jonker

    J. H. de Bussy 1940 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum ; No. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 4, pt. 2

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Papilionaceae (pars) . Mimosaceae . Connaraceae . Annonaceae

    by G. Jane H. Amshoff . by Anthonia Kleinhoonte . by J. Lanjouw . by Rob. E. Fries ; Droseraceae (pars) / by A. A. Pulle

    J. H. de Bussy 1940 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 2 pt. 2(pag. 257-384)

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Mimosaceae

    by Anthonia Kleinhoonte ; Connaraceae / by J. Lanjouw ; Annonaceae / by Rob. E. Fries ; Droseraceae (pars) / by A. A. Pulle

    J. H. de Bussy 1940 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam No. 30 ; Afd. Handelsmuseum No. 11 . Flora of Suriname(Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 2, pt. 2(pag. 257-384)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Papilionaceae

    by G. Jane H. Amshoff

    J. H. de Bussy 1939 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 2 pt. 2 (pg. 1-257)

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Bignoniaceae . Compositae . Acanthaceae . Plantaginaceae ; Myoporaceae

    by N. Y. Sandwith . by Joséphine Th. Koster . by C. E. B. Bremekamp . by J. Lanjouw

    J. H. de Bussy 1938 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum ; no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 4, pt. 2 (pg. 1-256)

    Available at 2 libraries

  • Lauraceae (pars) ; Hernandiaceae . Sapindaceae . Capparidaceae (pars)

    by A. J. G. H. Kostermans . by H. Uittien . by Johanna C. Went

    J. H. de Bussy 1937 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum ; no. 11 . Flora of Suriname (Netherlands Guyana) / edited by A. Pulle ; vol. 2 pt. 1 (pg. 337-400)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Anacardiaceae (pars) . Malpighiaceae ; Lauraceae (pars)

    by E. T. Nannenga . by A. J. G. H. Kostermans

    J. H. de Bussy 1936 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum ; no. 11 . Flora of Surinam (Dutch Guyana) / by A. Pulle ; vol. 2 (pg. 145-336)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Myristicaceae . Menispermaceae . Anacardiaceae (pars)

    by S. J. van Ooststroom . by L. Diels . by E. T. Nannenga

    J. H. de Bussy 1934 Mededeeling / Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam no. 30 . Afd. Handelsmuseum ; no. 11 . Flora of Surinam (Dutch Guyana) / by A. Pulle ; vol. 2 (pg. 113-144)

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Dialypetalae

    edited by A. Pulle

    [Koninklijke Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam] 1932-1941 Flora of Suriname v. 3, pt. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Dialypetalae

    edited by A. Pulle

    [Koninklijke Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut te Amsterdam] 1932-1939 Flora of Suriname v. 2, pt. 1

    Available at 1 libraries

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