Persjusz Flakkus, Aulus
Persius Flaccus, Aulus, A.D. 34-62
Flaccus, Aulus Persius
Persius, Paulus Flaccus
Persius Flaccus, Aules
Persius Flaccus, A.
Persi Flacci, A.
Persius Flacco, Aulo
translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden and several other eminent hands . made English by Mr. Dryden ; with explanatory notes at the end of each satire . dedicated to the Right Honourable Charles, Earl of Dorset &c. by Mr. Dryden
Printed for Jacob Tonson, and are to be sold by Robert Knaplock 1697
Apud Henricum Wetstenium 1684 Edition nova
in ædibus Aldi 1501
A. Persii Flacci ; edited by A. Pretor
Rivingtons [1---] Catena classicorum
traductions de Juvénal par Dusaulx et J. Pierrot, de Perse, etc., par A. Perreau
Libr. Garnier frères [1---] Nouv. éd., revue avec le plus grand soin / par Félix Lemaistre Classiques Garnier , Bibliothèque latine-française 13
Langenscheidt [1---] Langenscheidtsche Bibliothek sämtlicher griechischen und römischen Klassiker in neueren deutschen Musterübersetzungen 65. Bd.