Sirageldin, Ismail
Sirageldin, I. (Ismail)
Sirageldin, Ismail A. (Ismail Abdel-Hamid)
edited by Ismail Sirageldin
I. B. Tauris, in association with the Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey 2002
volume editors, Riad Dahel, Ismail Sirageldin
JAI Press c1997 Research in human capital and development : a research annual v. 11, 1997
: [set] , pt. A , pt. B
volume editors, Ismail Sirageldin, Eqbal Al-Rahmani
JAI Press c1996 Research in human capital and development : a research annual v. 9, 1996
Ismail Sirageldin
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics [1995]
editor, Ismail Sirageldin ; co-editors, Alan Sorkin, Richard Frank
Jai Press c1990 Research in human capital and development : a research annual v. 6, 1990
Ismail Sirageldin ; with coomments by Syed Nawab Haider Naqvi
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics 1984 Lectures in development economics no. 3
: pbk.
Ismail A. Sirageldin, Naiem A. Sherbiny, M. Ismail Serageldin
Published for the World Bank [by] Oxford University Press c1984
edited by I. Sirageldin, D. Salkever, and R. Osborn, with the assistance of D. Cebula, A. Evenchik, N. Lewin, and P. Mandel
Croom Helm , St. Martin's Press 1983
: Cromm Helm , : St. Martin's Press
editors, Ali Khan, Ismail Sirageldin
Jai Press c1981 Research in human capital and development : a research annual 2
Jai Press 1979-
v. 1 : 1979
Survey Research Center, University of Michigan c1969
[by] James N. Morgan, Ismail Sirageldin [and] Nancy Baerwaldt
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan c1966
by James N. Morgan, Ismail Sirageldin [and] Nancy Baerwaldt
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan 1966 Monograph (University of Michigan. Survey Research Center) no. 43