Bergman, Folke



Bergman, F.

Bergman, Folke

贝格曼, 弗克(ベリイマン, フォルケ)


検索結果10件中 1-10 を表示

  • 内蒙古额济纳河流域考古报告

    (瑞典)弗克・贝格曼考察 ; (瑞典)博・索马斯特勒姆整理 ; 黄晓宏[ほか]翻译 ; 张徳芳审校

    学苑出版社 2014.3 中国西北诸省科学考察报告 / (瑞典)斯文・赫定博士率领的中瑞联合科学考查团[编] . 考古类||コウコルイ||kao gu lei ; 第8-9


  • 横渡戈壁沙漠

    (瑞典) 斯文・赫定, 沃尓克・贝格曼著 ; 李述礼, 张鸣译

    新疆人民出版社 2010.4 西域探险考察大系


  • 新疆考古记

    贝格曼著 ; 王安洪译

    新疆人民出版社 1997.11 西域探险考察大系 . 瑞典东方学译丛||スウェーデン トウホウガク ヤクソウ


  • The Kansu-Hohsi corridor and Suloho-Ochinaho drainage regions

    by F. Bergman ... [et al.] ; compiled by E. Norin

    Sven Hedin Foundation : Etnografiska museet 1980 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 50 ; I ; Geography ; 3 [i.e. 4] . Sven Hedin Central Asia atlas : memoir on maps ; v. 3, fasc. 3


  • Archaeological researches in the Edsen-gol region Inner Mongolia

    by Bo Sommarström ; together with the catalogue prepared by Folke Bergman

    Statens etnografiska museum 1956-1958 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 39, 41 . VII. Archaeology ; 8-9

    pt. 1 , pt. 2


  • Contribution to the prehistory of Mongolia : a study of the prehistoric collections from Inner Mongolia

    by John Maringer ; together with the catalogue prepared by Folke Bergman

    [s.n.] , A.B. Thule 1950 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 34 ; VII ; Archaeology ; 7


  • History of the expedition in Asia, 1927-1935

    by Sven Hedin, in collaboration with Folke Bergman

    [s.n.] , Elanders 1943-1945 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 23-26

    pt. 1. 1927-1928 , pt. 2. 1928-1933 , pt. 3. 1933-1935 , pt. 4. General reports of travels and field-work


  • Woollen textiles of the Lou-lan people

    by Vivi Sylwan ; introduction by Folke Bergman ; appendix, Spinning tools and spinning methods in Asia by G. Montell

    [s.n.] , Tryckeri aktiebolaget Thule 1941 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 15 ; VII ; Archaeology ; 2


  • Archaeological researches in Sinkiang : especially the Lop-nor region

    by Folke Bergman ; descriptive lists of textiles by Vivi Sylwan ; appendices by Sten Konow, and Hjalmar Ljungh

    Bokförlags aktiebolaget Thule 1939 Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western Provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin : the Sino-Swedish Expedition publication 7 ; 7 ; Archaeology ; 1


  • Lou-lan wood-carvings and small finds discovered by Sven Hedin

    by Folke Bergman

    [s.n.] 1935

