Michel Godet et Évelyne Sullerot
La Documentation française c2009
Michel Godet ; preface by Joseph F. Coates ; translated by Adam Gerber and Kathryn Radford
Economica 2006 2nd ed
Michel Godet
Armand Colin 1991
Pierre-Noël Giraud, Michel Godet ; préface de Moriyuki Motono
Economica c1987 CPE-Economica
Michel Godet ; translated from the French by David Green and Alan Rodney ; [preface by Igor Ansoff]
Butterworths 1987
Michel Godet ; préface de Hervé Sérieyx
Economica c1985
Michel Godet ; edited by Patrick Healey
Gamma Institute Press c1985
Rémi Barré, Michel Godet ; préface de Michel Crépeau
Economica 1982
Michel Godet ; preface by Joseph F. Coates
UNESCO Pub. c1994 Future-oriented studies
by M. Godet and O. Ruyssen ; in collaboration with the other members of the FAST team, Riccardo Petrella ... [et al.]
Commission of the European Communities 1981 The European perspectives series
: pbk.
Michel Godet, Olivier Ruyssen
Presses universitaires de France 1980, c1978 2e éd Que sais-je? 1727
Michel Godet ; translated by J. D. Pearse, Harry K. Lennon
Published for UNITAR Pergamon Press c1979 Pergamon policy studies 15
Presses universitaires de France 1978 Que sais-je? 1727