Battles, Ford Lewis
フォード・ルイス・バトルズ [著] ; 金田幸男, 高崎毅志訳
一麦出版社 2009.6
Ford Lewis Battles, assisted by John Walchenbach
P & R Pub. c2001
: pbk
Ford Lewis Battles ; edited by Robert Benedetto ; with introductory essays by I. John Hesselink and Donald K. McKim
Baker Books c1996
John Calvin, author ; translated and annotated by Ford Lewis Battles
H.H. Meeter Center for Calvin Studies : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 1986 Bibliotheca Calviniana
edited and translated by Benjamin W. Farley ; foreword by Ford Lewis Battles
Baker Book House c1980
John Eck ; translated by Ford Lewis Battles
Baker Book House c1979 Twin brooks series
by Ford Lewis Battles
Calvin Theological Seminary c1978
translated and edited by Ford Lewis Battles ; music edited by Stanley Tagg
Baker Book House c1978
edited and translated from the text as established by Walter Fellmann by Edward J. Furcha, with Ford Lewis Battles
Pickwick Press 1975 [i.e. 1976] Pittsburgh original texts and translation series 1
John Calvin ; translated and annotated by Ford Lewis Battles
John Knox Press c1975
with introduction, translation, and notes by Ford Lewis Battles and André Malan Hugo
UT Back-in-Print Service c1969
Published for the Renaissance Society of America by E.J. Brill 1969 Renaissance text series v. 3
translated by Ford Lewis Battles ; edited by William F. Keesecker ; introduced by T.F. Torrance
S.C.M. Press 1963 The Living church books
edited by John T. McNeill ; translated by Ford Lewis Battles
SCM Press 1961, c1960 The library of Christian classics vol. 20-21
v. 1 , v. 2
Calvin ; edited by John T. McNeill ; translated by Ford Lewis Battles ; in collaboration with the editor and a committee of advisers
In-house reproduction [manufacture] The library of Christian classics v. 21
[v. 2]
edited by John T. McNeill ; translated and indexed by Ford Lewis Battles
Westminster Press c1960 The library of Christian classics vol. 20-21
1 , 2
Calvin ; edited by John T. McNeill ; translated and indexed by Ford Lewis Battles ; in collaboration with the editor and acommittee of advisers
Westminster Press c1960 The library of Christian classics v. 20-21
vol. 1 , vol. 2