edited by Rafael Palacios and William E. Newton
Springer c2005 Nitrogen fixation : origins, applications, and research progress v. 3
: hard
edited by Rafael Palacios and Jaime Mora, and William E. Newton
Kluwer Academic c1993 Current plant science and biotechnology in agriculture 17
edited by Rafael Palacios and Desh Pal S. Verma
APS Press 1988
edited by Jaime Mora, Rafael Palacio
Academic Press 1980
maps by Rafael Palacios
Avon Books 1971, c1969
v. 2: N.T
edited by Allan Nevins ; maps by Rafael Palacios
Harcourt, Brace & World c1962
edited by A. Milton Runyon and Vilma F. Bergane ; 20 maps by Rafael Palacios
Doubleday c1961 Rev. ed.
by E. John Long ; introduction by Nelson Beecher Keyes ; 8 maps by Rafael Palacios
Doubleday c1960
Doubleday c1959 Rev. ed.
Doubleday 1958
edited by A. Milton Runyon and Vilma F. Bergane ; foreword by Paul J.C. Friedlander ; 10 maps drawn by Rafael Palacios
Nelson Doubleday c1955
Hal Lehrman ; map by Rafael Palacios
W. Sloane Associates c1951