translated by Florence A. Gragg ; edited with an introduction by Leona C. Gabel
Folio Society 1988, c1959
selections by Florence Alden Gragg
Caratzas Brothers 1981 College classical series
translated by Florence A. Gragg ; edited, with introduction, by Leona C. Gabel
Capricorn Books 1962, c1959 Capricorn Books ed
translated by Florence Alden Gragg ; introduction and historical notes by Leona C. Gabel
Department of History of Smith College 1957 Smith College studies in history v. 43
Books X-XIII
by Annette Irene James ; [Julia Harwood Caverno, Florence Alden Gragg, editors]
[Smith College] 1929 Smith college classical studies no. 10
Charles Scribner's Sons c1927
[Smith College]