天理教海外布教伝道部 テンリキョウ カイガイ フキョウ デンドウブ


Alias Name

Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department

천리교 해외 포교 전도부(천리교 해외 포교 전도부)

천리교 해외부(천리교 해외부)

Tenrikyo kaigai fukyo dendobu

Chonrikyo hewe phokyo contopu

Tenrikyo kaigaibu

Chonrikyo hewepu

천리교 해외부 번역과

천리교 해외 포교 전도부 번역과

天理教海外佈教傳道部(テンリキョウ カイガイ フキョウ デンドウブ)

Département de la Mission d'Outre-mer de Tenrikyo

Tenrikyo kaigai fukyo dendobu honyakuka

Chonrikyo hwewe phokyo contopu pon yokkwa

天理教海外布教伝道部翻訳課(テンリキョウ カイガイ フキョウ デンドウブ ホンヤクカ)

Departamento de Misiones en Ultramar de Tenrikyo

Abteilung für Überseeische Mission von Tenrikyo

天理教海外布教伝道部翻訳班(テンリキョウ カイガイ フキョウ デンドウブ ホンヤクハン)

천리교 해외 포교 전도부 번역반

Chonrikyo hewe phokyo contopu ponyokpan

Departamento de Missões em Ultramar de Tenrikyo

Tenrikyo Board of Overseas Missions

Tenrikyo Bureau de la Mission d'Outre-Mer

Departemen Misi-Luar-Negeri Agama Tenrikyo

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天理教海外部(テンリキョウ カイガイブ)

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Search Results41-60 of 172

  • 灰塵與因縁

    田中喜久男著 ; 天理教海外布教傳道部翻譯課翻譯

    天理教海外布教傳道部 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 教祖

    天理教少年会編纂 ; 村田和香絵圖 ; 天理教海外布教傳道部翻譯課翻譯

    天理教少年会 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Справочник по Оясато, родина по вере

    Отделение заграничного миссионерства Тэнри-кё 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Oyasama

    written by Tenrikyo Boys and Girls Association ; tr. by Translation Section, Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department

    The Association 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Oyasama

    redactado por la Associación Infante-Juvenil de Tenrikyo ; tr. por la Sección de Traducciones del Departamento de Misiones Ultramarinas de Tenrikyo

    La Associación 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Oyasama

    redação: Associação Infanto-Juvenil da Tenrikyo ; tr.: Divisão de Tradução, Depto. Missões Ultramarinas da Tenrikyo

    Associação Infanto-Juvenil da Tenrikyo 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Oyasama

    rédigé par l'Association des Enfants de Tenrikyô ; ill. par Waka Murata ; tr. par la Section de Traduction, Départment de la Mission d'Outre-mer de Tenrikyô

    L'Association 1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • The teachings and history of Tenrikyo

    ed. by Translation Section of Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department.

    Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department c1986

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 본고장 : 사진으로 보는 천리교 안내


    天理教海外布教傳道部 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • 天理教入門

    深谷忠政著 ; 天理教海外布教傳道部翻譯課翻譯

    天理教海外布教傳道部 1985 2版改譯

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Mikagura-uta, romanized practice book for musical instrument kotsuzumi (small drum)

    ed. by the Translation Section of the Tenrikyo Overseas Department

    Translation Section of the Tenrikyo Overseas Department 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Mikagura-uta, romanized practice book for musical instrument chanpon (cymbals)

    ed. by the Translation Section of the Tenrikyo Overseas Department

    Translation Section of the Tenrikyo Overseas Department 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Oyasato, die elterliche Heimat

    Abteilung für Auslandsmission der Tenrikyo 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Guía de Oyasato, Hogar Paterno

    Departamento de Misiones Ultramarinas de Tenrikyo 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Guide to Oyasato, the parental home

    Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Guide pour Oyasato, le foyer natal

    Départment de la Mission d'Outre-mer de Tenrikyô 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Perintis ke Oyasato, kampung halaman orang tua

    Departemen Missi Luar Negeri Tenrikyo 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Buku pedoman bagi yoboku

    disusun oleh Sekretariat Persatuan Missi Tenrikyo ; deterjemahkan oleh Seksi Penterjemah, Departemen Missi Luar Negeri Tenrikyo

    Persatuan Missi Tenrikyo 1985

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Doutrina de Tenrikyo

    tr. pala Divisão de Tradução do Departamento de Missões Ultramarinas de Tenrikyo

    Sede da Igreja Tenrikyo 1985 2a ed

    Available at 1 libraries

  • Osashizu : indicações divinas

    tr. pela Divisão de Tradução do Departamento de Missões Ultramarinas do Tenrikyo

    Sede da Igreja Tenrikyo 1985 Rev

    Available at 1 libraries

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