L'Institut Getty de Conservation
edited by Cynthia Schwarz, Ian McClure, and Jim Coddington
Getty Conservation Institute 2023
: pbk
Michele D. Marincola and Lucretia Kargère
The Getty Conservation Institute c2020
Rachel Rivenc and Reinhard Bek, editors
Getty Conservation Institute 2018
Shin Maekawa, Vincent L. Beltran, Michael C. Henry
Getty Conservation Institute c2015 Scientific tools for conservation
Getty Conservation Institute c2015 Tools for conservation
edited with a new preface by Thomas C. Jester
Getty Conservation Institute c2014
Noémie Étienne ; préface de Mauro Natale ; postface de Dominique Poulot
Presses universitaires de Rennes 2012 Collection "Art & société" / dirigée par Jean-Yves Andrieux et Marianne Grivel
edited by Neville Agnew
Getty Conservation Institute c2010
edited by David Bomford, Mark Leonard
Getty Conservation Institute c2004 Readings in conservation
edited by Francesca Piqué and Dusan C. Stulik
Getty Conservation Institute c2004
edited by Mark Leonard
Getty Conservation Institute c2003
Bertrand Lavédrine ; with the collaboration of Jean-Paul Gandolfo and Sibylle Monod ; translated from the French by Sharon Grevet
Shin Maekawa, Kerstin Elert
Getty Conservation Institute c2003 Scientific tools for conservation
in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History and National Museum of the American Indian, and in collaboration with the Getty Conservation Institute
[s.n.] [2003]
David A. Scott
Getty Conservation Institute c2002
Ruth Johnston-Feller
Getty Conservation Institute c2001 Scientific tools for conservation
E. Leroy Tolles ... [et al.]
Getty Conservation Institute c2000 GCI scientific program reports
edited by Jeanne Marie Teutonico and Gaetano Palumbo
compiled by Valerie Dorge and Sharon L. Jones
Getty Conservation Institute c1999
edited by Miguel Angel Corzo
Getty Conservation Institute 1999