by Leonore Fleischer ; based on a screenplay by Ronald Bass, Barry Morrow ; a story by Barry Morrow ; retold by Kieran McGovern
Pearson Education 2008 Penguin readers level 3
[book] , [book and CD pack]
リアノー・フライシャー著 ; 山本やよい訳
早川書房 2007.9 [新版] ハヤカワ文庫 NV529
早川書房 2006.4 15刷 ハヤカワ文庫 NV296
by Leonore Fleischer ; based on a screenplay by Ronald Bass and Barry Morrow and a story by Barry Morrow ; retold by Kieran McGovern
Pearson Education 1999 [New ed., book and CD pack ed.] Penguin readers level 3
by Leonore Fleischer ; based on a screenplay by Ronald Bass and Barry Morrow ; and a story by Barry Morrow ; retold by Kieran McGovern
Pearson Education 1999, c1998 New ed Penguin readers level 3
Pearson Education 1998 Penguin readers Level 3
フィリップ・ゴンザレス, リアノー・フライシャー著 ; 内田昌之訳
草思社 1996.4
リオノ・フライシャー著 ; 大野晶子訳
ソニー・マガジンズ 1996.1
by Leonore Fleischer ; based on the screenplay written by John Brancato & Michael Ferris
Boxtree c1995
リアノー・フライシャー著 ; 日暮雅通訳
ギャガ・コミュニケーションズ 1994.11
a novel by Leonore Fleischer ; based on the screenplay by William Nicholson, based on his screen play
Headline 1994
Penguin Books 1994 Penguin readers Level 3
Penguin English c1994 Simply stories level 2 , Penguin English
by Leonore Fleischer
Signet 1993
Leonore Fleischer ; aus dem Amerikanischen von Karin Duffner und Gerlinde Schermer-Rauwolf, Kollektiv Druck-Reif
Knaur c1993 Deutsche Erstausgebe Knaur-Taschenbücher 60163
Penguin Books 1993 Penguin books
リアノー・フライシャー著 ; 白石朗訳
扶桑社 1992.3 扶桑社ミステリー
Marilyn vos Savant and Leonore Fleischer
Bantam Books, 1991, c1990 Bantam trade pbk. ed A Bantam trade paperback nonfiction
: pbk
by Leonore Fleischer ; based on the motion picture by Richard LaGravenese
Penguin Books 1991
早川書房 1989.2 ハヤカワ文庫 NV