Archer, William G. (William George)
Archer, William George
editor, Hetukar Jha
Maharajadhiraja Kameshwar Singh Kalyani Foundation 2015 Kāmeśvara Siṃha Bihāra heriṭeja sirīja 20
translated by Edward Rehatsek ; edited with a preface by W.G. Archer ; introduction by G.M. Wickens
Peyke Farhang 1998
by William and Mildred Archer ; introduction by Giles Eyre
BACSA 1994
William G. Archer ; edited by Barbara Stoler Miller and Mildred Archer
Columbia University Press c1985 Studies in oriental culture no. 20 , Unesco collection of representative works . Indian series
W. G. Archer ; with an introduction by K. S. Singh
Concept 1984
introduction and catalogue by W. G. Archer ; produced by International Exhibitions Foundation
Distributed by Sotheby Parke Bernet Publications , Oxford University Press c1976
[by] W. G. Archer
S. Chand & Co(pvt) Ltd. c1974
Allen & Unwin 1974
by W. G. Archer ; foreword by Sherman E. Lee
Sotheby Parke Bernet , Oxford University Press 1973
: [set] , v. 1 , v. 2
a catalogue and introduction by W.G. Archer
H.M.S.O. 1971
selected by the UNESCO National Commission of Ceylon ; edited and with an introduction by C.H.B. Reynolds ; preface by E.F.C. Ludowyk ; translated by W.G. Archer ... [et al.]
George Allen & Unwin 1970 Unesco collection of representative works Sinhalese series
Capricorn Books 1966
W.G. Archer
H.M.S.O. 1966 Museum monograph no. 31
G. Allen & Unwin 1964
translated by Deben Bhattacharya ; edited with an introduction, notes, and comments by W.G. Archer
George Allen & Unwin 1963 Unesco collection of representative works Indian series
translated by Sir Richard Burton and F. F. Arbuthnot ; edited with a preface by W.G. Archer ; introduction by K.M. Panikkar
Capricorn Books c1963
: pbk
M.S. Randhawa ; introduction by W.G. Archer
National Museum 1963
text by W. G. Archer ; colour plates in collaboration with Madanjeet Singh
Studio Books c1960
New York Graphic Society c1960
by W. G. Archer
Allen & Unwin 1959