Heinrich Fraenkel
Routledge 2010, c1940 Routledge library editions . Responding to fascism ; v. 9
: set
J. Hannak ; foreword by Albert Einstein ; translated by Heinrich Fraenkel
Dover Publications, Inc. 1991
Heinrich Fraenkel, Roger Manvell
W. Heyne c1989 Heyne Biographien Nr. 12/177
Heinrich Fraenkel Roger Manvell ; Deutsche Übersetzung von Gertrude Goldenberg
W. Heyne 1978 Heyne-Buch Nr. 5513
Hans Peter Bleuel ; edited and with a preface by Heinrich Fraenkel ; translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
Pan Books 1976
Hans Peter Bleuel ; edited and with a pref. by Heinrich Fraenkel ; Translated from the German by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
Lippincott 1974 Bantam books
ロジャー・マンヴェル, ハインリヒ・フレンケル著 ; 片岡啓治訳
新人物往来社 1973.6
J.B. Lippincott c1973
Roger Manvell ; advised by Heinrich Franenkel [i.e. Fraenkel]
Ballantine Books c1972 Ballantine's illustrated history of the violent century . War leader book ; no. 8
Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel
Praeger 1971
MacGibbon and Kee 1971
Roger Manvell ; advised by Heinrich Fraenkel
Macdonald 1970, c1969 Purnell's history of the Second World War . Weapons book ; no. 8
Heinrich Fraenkel, Roger Manvell ; mit einem Vorwort von Wolf Graf von Baudissin
Ullstein 1969 Ungekürzte u. überarbeitete Aus Ullstein Buch 4019/4020
Advised by Heinrich Fraenkel
Ballantine Books 1969 Ballantine's illustrated history of World War II .Weapons book ; no. 8
[editor-in-chief, Basil Liddell Hart ; editor, Barrie Pitt]
Purnell & sons c1966 History of the Second World War / editor-in-chief Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart, editor Barrie Pitt v. 1. no. 1-15
Ullstein c1965
by Roger Manvell & Heinrich Fraenkel
Warner Paperback Library c1965 Warner paperback library
Putnam 1965 1st American ed
Verlag für Literatur und Zeitgeschehen c1964
Heinrich Fraenkel, Roger Manvell ; [Vorwort von Wolf Graf von Baudissin]
Ullstein c1964