Great Britain. Labour, Ministry of
Gt. Brit. Ministry of Labour
イギリス労働省(イギリス ロウドウショウ)
Great Britain. Dept. of Employment and Productivity
Great Britain. Ministry of Labour and National Service
Great Britain. Board of Trade
presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister, the Secretary of State for the Education and Science and Paymaster General, the Secretary of State for Employment, and the Secretary of the State for Trade by command fo Her Majesty, May 1978
H.M.S.O [1978?] Cmnd 7231
by J.W. House ... [et al.]
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Dept. of Geography 1968 Papers on migration and mobility in Northern England no. 8
Ministry of Labour
H.M.S.O. 1967 [i.e. 1968]
H.M.S.O. 1968
presented to Parliament by the Minister of Labour by Command of Her Majesty
Her Majesty's Stationery Office [1967] Cmnd 3211
H.M. Stationary Office 1967 Cmnd 3426
H.M.S.O. 1967
Her Majesty's Stationery Office [1967]
a report by the Central Training Council's Committee on the Training of Training Officers
H.M.S.O. 1967, [c1961] Rev. ed
H.M. Stationery Off. c1967-
イギリス労働省編 ; 石田磯次, 川野広, 梶原武雄共訳
日刊労働通信社 1966.2
H.M.S.O. 1966 2nd ed Safety, health and welfare booklets, new series no. 2
Her Majesty's Stationery Office [1966] Cmnd 3104
Her Majesty's Stationery Off. 1966
by a Sub-Committee of the Industrial Health Advisory Committee
Her Majesty's Stationery Office 1966
H.M.S.O. 1965 Cmnd 2734
H.M.S.O 1965 Manpower studies no.4