Жданов, Андрей Александрович
Zhdanov, A. A
Жданов, А. А.
Jdanov, A.
Shdanow, A. A.
Ždanov, A. A.
Zhdanov, Andrey Aleksandrovich
Zhdanov, Andrei A.
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Chadwyck-Healey in association with the State Archival Service of Russia 1994 Archives of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party (The Cambridge project) ser. 1 . Leaders of the Russian Revolution ; pt. 5
Microform (Microfilm Reel)
Available at 2 libraries
Chadwyck-Healey in association with the State Archival Service of Russia 1992 Archives of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party (The Cambridge project) ser. 1 . Leaders of the Russian Revolution ; pt. 5
Microform (Microfiche)
English translation by Felicity Ashbee and Irina Tidmarsh
Strathcona Publishing Co. c1978 Bilingual edition
Available at 3 libraries
[Отв. ред.-кандидат филологических наук Забелин П.В.]
[Иркутского государственного университета им. А.А. Жданова] 1972
Available at 1 libraries
Молодая гвардия 1958
ジダーノフ著 ; 除村吉太郎, 蔵原惟人訳
大月書店 1954.2 国民文庫 402
Available at 10 libraries
ジダーノフ著 ; 除村吉太郎, 蔵原惟人, 山辺健太郎訳
国民文庫社 1954.2 国民文庫 402
Available at 26 libraries
Verlag Kultur und Fortschritt 1953, c1952
Available at 17 libraries
A. Shdanow
Dietz 1951 Kleine Bücherei des Marxismus-Leninismus
Available at 8 libraries
[出版者不明] 1950.1
Available at 11 libraries
par Andreï Jdanov ; préface d'Aragon
Éditions de la Nouvelle critique 1950 2e éd
by Andrei A. Zhdanov
International publishers [c1950]
Available at 5 libraries
by A.A. Zhdanov
Lawrence & Wishart 1950
Available at 4 libraries
Dietz c1950 Bücherei des Marxismus-Leninismus
[oleh] A. Zhadanov
IDC [19--?]
[А.А. Жданов]
Государственное зд-во политической литературы 1948
ア・ジダーノフ [著]
[不明] [1947?]
А. Жданов
ОГИЗ, Гос. изд-во полит. лит-ры 1947
s.n.] 1947
А. A. Жданов
Гос. изд-во полит. лит-ры 1940