Irving, Robert
Search authors sharing the same name
Irving Adler ; foreword by Stephen L. Adler ; Diagrams by Peggy Adler
World Scientific c2012
Available at 6 libraries
Irving Adler ; illustrated by Peggy Adler
J. Day c1976 The reason why series
Available at 1 libraries
Irving Adler
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [1975], c1957
Irving Adler ; [Übersetzer: Robert Maier]
Vieweg 1974 Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik Bd. 16
edited by Irving Adler
Ginn c1972
bk. 1 , bk. 2
アービング・アドラー, ルース・アドラー著 ; 植野香雪訳 ; 石橋教子画
福音館書店 1970.11 福音館の科学シリーズ
Available at 10 libraries
Irving Adler [著] ; 杉安太郎, 東郷秀光編註
成美堂 1970.1
Irving and Joyce Adler ; illustrated by Laurie Jo Lambie
John Day c1970 The reason why series
Available at 2 libraries
Irving Adler ; with diagrams by Ruth Adler and Ellen Viereck
Dennis Dobson 1968, c1967
With diagrams by Ruth Adler and Ellen Viereck
John Day Co [1968, c1967]
John Day 1967, c1957
I. アドラー著 ; 安藤次郎訳
[安藤次郎] 1967
I.アドラー著 ; 宮本敏雄, 山内俊吉訳
ダイヤモンド社 1966.1
Available at 77 libraries
Irving Adler ; with diagrams by Ruth Adler
New American Library 1966, c1963 Signet science library T2850
Dennis Dobson 1967, c1966
Available at 9 libraries
Irving and Ruth Adler
J. Day Co [c1965] The Reason why books
John Day Co. c1965
Irving Adler ; traduit de l'américain par Eliane Smolderen
O.C.D.L. c1964
John Day Co 1964 The Reason why books
With diagrs. by Ruth Adler
John Day Co [1964]